FYI Paid C/O or R5......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok Cap One agreed to mark my acct. as "R5- settlement accepted" instead of Paid Chargeoff. Well Mr Cooke FINALLY changed it today and what happened???? I went from a 689 to a 650.
    NOTHING else changed between today and yesterday I've scoured the report. So maybe I should have been happy with the Paid chargeoff.


    I figured it out. It is marked as updated 10/02 and now my number one reason code is having a recent late pay. I haven't had a late pay since 98 (this ONE thing), but cause it was verified today it looks like I was late recently....GRRRRRRRRRRRR

    And I thought it would boost me over 700 on EQU......
  2. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    It was explained to me by a CSR at CSC Credit Services that the R% is pays 120 days late and the R9 is charge off.

    I think the difference is the R5 denotes the present tense and the R9 can denote past tense up to 7 years.

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