
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ghostgirl, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    I pulled my true credit updated report tonight and am so frustrated.

    My Equifax was showing my car payment correctly and I was working on getting my mortgage to report correctly as well (instead of included in bk).

    Now today, my car account suddenly says that it is derragatory and included in BK as well. It's still current in reality. It's not even like my BK was recent. It's been discharged for over a year.

    Is this mess up more likely at Equifax or company where my car loan is held? I don't have a copy of my true credit showing the account reporting correctlly, but I do have an Equifax CR from 1/26/07 that shows the account as current and never late and reaffirmed.

    Should I pull a new Equifax report to be certain that it's really reporting that way?
  2. Tinksmama

    Tinksmama Well-Known Member

    I know that the difference between my score on FICO and the TrueCredit scores are huge.

    I just recently had the same thing with Equifax, for literally 6 years (the account closed in 2000) there was a lease account that was reported as paid as agreed, then all of a sudden it was changed to Derrogatory/Charge off by Equifax, the other two had deleted the account already.

    I just called two days ago because I have about 5 or 6 old reports that show the account as paid as agreed and closed. They are investigating it. I would love to know how they can something like that too.

    So I feel your pain.
  3. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Dispute the tradeline showing you reaffirmed the car loan and the mtg. You may have to send them proof to get it to show correctly.
  4. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    But how is it happening?

    When I call my OC, they tell me that they are reporting it never late and open/current. Equifax had to have gotten the info from somewhere to change it.
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    I assume that EQ is getting the information from the public record but for some reason they are not showing the reaffirmation on the banko.
  6. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    I pulled a new Equifax report. Sure enough, the car loan is now reporting as deragatory, closed and included in bk. I do have a report from 1/26 that shows it pays as agreed and open.

    Why would equifax be getting their information from the public record instead of the bank? Plus, my bk papers show the account as reaffirmed. The account was not being disputed. Why would it when it was in good standing? So I am inclined to think that that was how it was reported and maybe someone who is reporting it is reporting it incorrectly. ?? Yet, when I call the bank they say my account is fine.

    What am I missing?

    My game plan is to dispute it and see if it comes around to reading as it should again. If it doesn't change back, I'll write and ask how they came to verify the info.

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