Gateway Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mike, Dec 12, 2000.

  1. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know what CRA Gateway Computers will use when applying for credit???
  2. Joanne

    Joanne Guest

    Sorry I don't know. However, with most companies if you call them they will tell you who provides the finance and which cra they use. Hope this helps
  3. TommyC

    TommyC Guest

    Gateway financing will run your credit through one of three banks (MBNA, Hurley State Bank & the dirt bank, escapes my memory), and each of these banks uses one of the three CRA's at their discretion. So, to narrow down, which credit reporting agency, a bank uses, depends for the most part, on your location, the bank's location and which credit reporting agency, is up next. Best wishes, TommyC
  4. average jo

    average jo Guest

    Equifax is the main one i know of.
  5. TK

    TK Guest

    I have a gateway account, i think they pull through different ones depending on their findings. We recently applied for a loan and an inquiry was made under equifax. Gateway uses Hurley,MBNA, And household as their primary lenders.

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