Ge Money Bank difficult HELP!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Terry61, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. Terry61

    Terry61 Member

    I have been struggling with 3 accounts from GE Money Bank for years. I filed Bk7 in 7/02. Very unusual case for I have never been late on a payment in my life,even prior to the bk7 that was discharged 11/02. I demanded for complete trade line deletion for they are always reporting screwed up charge-off collection. I asked for verification and got letters today stating that they would not do and their records show as accurate. However it also states that due to the accounts(dillards,Pennys,Lowes) being opened in 1998 that the application was no longer available. If the application is no longer available and my spouse was authorized or joint user on these accounts can I demand I was authorized user and these be taken off immediately? All our credit is in my name. Any suggestions or regulations under FACTA that can be used in this situation? desperate to refi home! Thanks
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Were the accounts included in your BK?
  3. Terry61

    Terry61 Member

  4. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Just wondering if you have kept records of bank statments showing the payments to GE Money Bank, or statements from Ge Money Bank. If you have the GE monthly statements do they show as being paid on time? I don't know how far back you can go, but I know that you can get SOME bank statements from previous years at your bank for a fee. Might be worth a try. Reatha
  5. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    By the way, purely coincedental, I had a credit inquiry that I had to get removed from their company. My point I guess is what address did the correspondence come from? I might have a different address that you could try. Let me know if you want it. Reatha

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