I have Lowe's, Old Navy and Gateway revolving accounts. Each of these show up on my credit report with GEMB either in front or following the store name. I am wondering who I need to contact with any "goodwill" requests. Should I contact GEMB or each individual account. I have talked to CSR's at Lowe's and Old Navy. They tell me that they have no authority to do any changes to what is reported to the credit bureau's. I was even transferred to a "CSR Manager" who repeated what the original CSR told me. I was given a fax number by Old Navy that is supposed to be for "the department responsible for reporting to the bureaus." I am wondering if I should try to reach GEMB and make all requests at once or continue to contact the individual account numbers again and again until I find someone more accomodating. I have a number for GEMoney Customer Service (23 retail partners - mine included - listed on their site http://www.gemoney.com/contact_us/retail_partners/index.html) and will call them Monday (866-419-4096, Mon-Sat 9-8.) Anyone else have any experience dealing with GEMB?
Sorry for my ignorance.... "How are they reporting?" Unsure how to answer so I'll attempt to fill in any blanks... GATEWAY/GEMB PO BOX 981439 30day 2/06, 10/05, 7/05 GEMB/LOWES PO BOX 981400 30day 2/06, 7/07, 60day 1/06, 6/06 GEMB/OLD NAVY PO BOX 981400 (7 30day, 2 60day, 4 90+day) All three addresses are El Paso, TX 79998 Obviously the Old Navy is very bad. I signed for the card so regardless how it happened, I agreed to take responsibility so I won't point fingers away from myself.
Update I have read until I am almost blind - and I want to read more! lol I believe I have found a way to express the actual question I was meaning to ask. Should GEMB accounts be treated as one creditor with multiple accounts in regards to letters and other communications? or should I treat each account as an individual credit issue with no connection to the other?
I'd treat each as a separate issue. They are separate tradelines (accounts) on the report, and are actually different accounts.
I'm new. Hoping to get help with a similar question, which is, a name/address/department/phone number I can use to send a goodwill letter to: Old Navy JCPenney Any guidence?
GEMB/JCP goodwill address is : po box 981426 el paso , tx 79998 i called 1-800-0800 with ?'s on my account and simply asked where i would send a GW letter
Bump on this thread! I had an account with Banana Republic with the last late in Jun 2007: 30 day: Jun 2006, Feb 2007, April 2007 60 day: May 2007 90 day: June 2007 I paid the account in full by October 2007. Has anyone had luck with goodwill letters or calls to GEMB?