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GEMB and the Goodwill Letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shetektn, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    I have Lowe's, Old Navy and Gateway revolving accounts. Each of these show up on my credit report with GEMB either in front or following the store name. I am wondering who I need to contact with any "goodwill" requests. Should I contact GEMB or each individual account. I have talked to CSR's at Lowe's and Old Navy. They tell me that they have no authority to do any changes to what is reported to the credit bureau's. I was even transferred to a "CSR Manager" who repeated what the original CSR told me. I was given a fax number by Old Navy that is supposed to be for "the department responsible for reporting to the bureaus."

    I am wondering if I should try to reach GEMB and make all requests at once or continue to contact the individual account numbers again and again until I find someone more accomodating. I have a number for GEMoney Customer Service (23 retail partners - mine included - listed on their site http://www.gemoney.com/contact_us/retail_partners/index.html) and will call them Monday (866-419-4096, Mon-Sat 9-8.)

    Anyone else have any experience dealing with GEMB?
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    How are the accounts reporting?
  3. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    Sorry for my ignorance.... "How are they reporting?" Unsure how to answer so I'll attempt to fill in any blanks...
    GATEWAY/GEMB PO BOX 981439 30day 2/06, 10/05, 7/05
    GEMB/LOWES PO BOX 981400 30day 2/06, 7/07, 60day 1/06, 6/06
    GEMB/OLD NAVY PO BOX 981400 (7 30day, 2 60day, 4 90+day)
    All three addresses are El Paso, TX 79998

    Obviously the Old Navy is very bad. I signed for the card so regardless how it happened, I agreed to take responsibility so I won't point fingers away from myself.
  4. shetektn

    shetektn Member


    I have read until I am almost blind - and I want to read more! lol I believe I have found a way to express the actual question I was meaning to ask.

    Should GEMB accounts be treated as one creditor with multiple accounts in regards to letters and other communications? or should I treat each account as an individual credit issue with no connection to the other?
  5. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    <gentle bump>
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I'd treat each as a separate issue. They are separate tradelines (accounts) on the report, and are actually different accounts.
  7. CFav

    CFav New Member

    I'm new. Hoping to get help with a similar question, which is, a name/address/department/phone number I can use to send a goodwill letter to:

    Old Navy

    Any guidence?
  8. CFav

    CFav New Member

    I should have added, I have one 30-day late at each of the above.
  9. 720goal

    720goal Member

    GEMB/JCP goodwill address is :
    po box 981426
    el paso , tx 79998

    i called 1-800-0800 with ?'s on my account and simply asked where i would send a GW letter
  10. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    usually goodwill is only effective if you have made ontime payments for at least a year.
  11. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Not always . . . they respond to legit reasons for late payments.
  12. BadHistory

    BadHistory Member

    Bump on this thread!

    I had an account with Banana Republic with the last late in Jun 2007:

    30 day: Jun 2006, Feb 2007, April 2007
    60 day: May 2007
    90 day: June 2007

    I paid the account in full by October 2007.

    Has anyone had luck with goodwill letters or calls to GEMB?

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