GEMB/JCP ph # jackpot!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 720goal, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. 720goal

    720goal Member

    After MANY MANY MANY phone calls today to GEMB/JCP ( trying to dispute with experian), and EVERYONE telling me that I had to send a letter to their RECOVERY DEPT to correct/ dispute my report, I got a new rep who mistakenly gave me their phone number!!
    She was able to look up ALL GEMB ACCOUNTS!!! She updated my report while I was on the phone with her!!


    hope this helps everyone!!!
  2. upandout

    upandout Member have no idea! Ok maybe you do. Happy St Patty's!!! Gonna do it now before she is deluded with calls and changes numbers.
  3. 720goal

    720goal Member

    glad i could help!! let me know how you make out!!
  4. upandout

    upandout Member

    Well, 1st phone call was a bust. The guy asked me for the address, and I gave him the address of where I lived when I got the card which didn't match. All went downhill from there. He said neither my or my ex's SS didn't match. WTF?

    Called back right away and got a different CSR. Voila! no problem verifying identity. WTF?

    She sent the info as we spoke and today it is GONE from EX, updated to paid on EQ and no change for TU (what's new). Sokay tho cause they have the right date and is dropping off soon.

    I hope it stays gone from EX. Since it's not a dispute, I don't see why it would disappear? It still legally had a couple months left, but maybe they just didn't want to mess with it.

    But THANKS very much for the phone number. I'm glad I didn't have to go through all the BS you did.
  5. 720goal

    720goal Member

    glad to help, mine was DELETED from all three reports!!
  6. BadHistory

    BadHistory Member

    I am trying to have my lates removed from GEMB (Banana Republic) account. If I call them, what kind of approach should I take? Should I just ask them to remove the lates? I am really new in this, so if anyone could give me a hint on what to do, it would be great (I have 3 30 day lates, one 60 and one 90).

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