From Generations guys....They pulled TU which is Fako over 700... We are in receipt of your application for a Generations Bank Credit Card Based on your credit score, your stated income and current credit card balances, we can offer you a $12,000 purchase credit limit (a $2,400 cash advance limit) with an interest rate of 9.9%. We need you to fax a copy of the front and back of your drivers license and your latest pay stub. to verify employment and income to: FAX 816-303-0845. (or) if you prefer you can mail your copies to: Atten: Loan Dept. Generations Bank P.O. Box 213520 Kansas City, MO 64121-3520 We will hold your application for 10 business days. Thank You, Generations Bank WOW...I think I am done with Credit cards now.
right, right, right, They said I should be receiving the card within 10 business....I like the $12K CL though.
I have to agree with Saar. While Gen. Bank has some positives, their lack of credit reporting while USING the credit reporting system shows they are the ones gaming the system. Then they go ahead and ask for further stubs my a**. They will use this info to hunt people down in the harshest way when they don't pay, IMHO. Come on, pay stubs are Mortgage level requirements. Just my 2 cents. Saar? (This is NOT a slam to folks who have been approved and are happy....I just hate to see banks openly further corrupt the CRA system that we have to DEAL with as it is). In fact, let's think if all our hard work, whether at the Orchard Bank / Cap One Secured Level or at the AMEX Blue / Citi Plat Select Level, was never reported?! For heck's sake, most of us (me included) would still be in credit hell. That SCARES me. Because even with good laws, the banks can use these methods to keep us down (now I sound like the dude railing against the "man"). But, really, think about what this means. WOW. Joe
On the otherhand, guess i can pull one of my free TU reports after 12:01 and see if they have checked my credit.
rfitzek | 63 posts since Nov 2002 | 01.01.2003 @ 15:23 I still would like to know what they do if you don't pay your bill! WIll they report then? Id imagine they would report you with a quickness lol
I agree, when I spoke to a couple of their agents, they said they would, of course, report late payements. They were not sure if the reporting would begin with 30 or 60 days. Very funny, isn't it?
yeah, it's interesting. Kinda like you pay them HUSH money by paying on time. But if you miss one, "Hey, look at this everyone, look what this guy has been hiding from you!"
When you apply and they run an inquiry, but don't report the account to the cra's-- I guess it looks like you applied for credit but were denied
i don't think it's worth the time or the energy getting into a tizzy mulling over whether Generations non-reporting is right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical, moral or immoral, etc. etc. etc. frankly, my dear, i really don't give a damn... I like Generations Bank, I like their customer service, I like the hidden credit line and I don't plan on ever paying late - so the question will they or won't they report if i f**k up does not apply. Mark LA
HI HUMBLE!!!!!! How are ya bro? NY was GREAT - it's such an inspiring city - can't explain it - but i really love that place. Saw Chicago - the theatre version - for the sixth time (yes - i'm that kind of queen - it's sooooo sad) it was fantastic as usual. Also saw the movie version - here in LA - it was amazingly good... My name is Mark LA and i'm a "Chicago" addict
Oh how i miss NYC. I was going to go back for New Year's but work and my health got in the way. I like Chicago and other musicals. . .does that mean i'm a queen too!? Speaking of, did you go to Lucky Chang's in the Village?
Even if you're not Marc, i'll grant you honorary queen status - till Dec 2004 - without transaction fees!!!!! P.S. didn't go to Lucky Chang's - have to try that place out next time around... P.P.S. I stopped smoking yesterday - and I'm so f**kin on edge - I feel like punching someone.... so if i post any bitchy replies to any posts in the next few days - i hope everyone will be forgiving