I have a Georgia tax lien. It is listed on Experian twice (same amount, same identification number, but two separate filing dates: 6/1/03 and 6/3/03). Fortunately, the lien is listed only once on Eq and TU. I have recently paid this lien and I have documentation that it has been released. I have a couple of questions, as I will be applying for a mortgage in about 3 months: 1) What is the best approach to take in getting the duplicate lien (or both) removed from Experian? Since it is the same lien being listed twice on Experian, could this be considered violation of FCRA? I've read in previous posts that one should not send any documentation of release to the CRA's - but how can I prove to the CRA that it is a duplicate without sending the validation? 2) As far as Eq and TU go, should I send the copies of the release to them and request that they both update it as paid. BTW - my loan officer has indicated to me that the liens will have to reflect as paid on my credit reports, not just copies of the release from the courts. Anyone have any ideas?
You can try disputing as "not mine" on all 3 CR's. (after all YOUR lien was paid, the one THEY are showing is not paid, so it can't be YOURS) At best, they will remove the entry, at worst they will investigate and mark as paid
Thanks for the advice. Any ideas about the duplicate entry on Experian? Do either of you think this could be considered a violation of the FCRA since Exp is reporting the same lien twice?
Yes, I disputed it as a duplicate with Experian about four months ago (prior to paying it off). Experian verified it - although I don't understand how they could. I have even confirmed it with the GA Dept of Revenue that this is the only lien I had. On my CR, it is being reported by the Fulton Co. Superior Courts - so I called the courts to see about getting them to remove the duplicate since it is in error. They stated that they don't even report it to the CRAs, that the CRAs get it from public records. My dilemma is this: since I now have proof (the recording document from the courts stating only one lien ever existed, as well as the release now that it is paid), can I get Experian in violation of FCRA for reporting a duplicate account. I am trying to approach this the best way possible - obviously my first choice would be to get it deleted from all three CR's. If that doesn't work, then reflecting that it is paid on all three CR's is fine. On the Exp CR, however, my score took a deep plunge after Experian came back and verified the tax lien, so I'd really prefer to get it deleted altogether if possible.