Get Rent History on Credit Report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Smit, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    How can I get my rent history on my credit report? I saw a website a long time ago (I don't remember what) but it cost about $149 to get them to report it for you. They would report the last 12 months and then the next 12 month from then on. Has anyone done this and is it legit?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    With anyone catering to people that desparate for credit history, I would be wary that it might be a scam. For $150, if it was a scam, you would have no effective recourse worth the trouble.

    I would expect that to report to a CRA would require that the reporting company have a contract with the CRA, which would include what sort of business they are in that would lead to reporting of consumer credit history.
  3. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    Is there any other way to get rent to show up on your credit report?
  4. will2win

    will2win Well-Known Member

    Is your goal to show rental history or improve your FICO score?

    If the latter, you should try the "secured loan" approach. Open secure loan, pay yourself back and after six months, you have a positive TL. You can repeat this process and migrate to unsecured debt.

    If this doesn't apply, you can request that the CRA add any account. They have the discretion to do it or not. A "furnisher" typically will have to update the information so these types of additions are rare. You might try to get a letter from the landlord stating on time payments from X to Y. Then send this in to the CRA's.
  5. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    better tell some relative with good credit that add u as an auth user, or if unable to do that, just get a secured card. That will be help u much more.
  6. mastermind

    mastermind Member

    Def go the secured loan route. CRA will not add this info unless the company or landlord become subscribers to the CRA service aka paying to report the item. no landlord in their right mind would pay money for only one individual and therefore it will be pointless to have them write u up a letter suggesting to add the account. It just will frustrate the hell out of you by the CRA sending you a generic letter about adding info.

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