getsmart visa users

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Mar 1, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    How successful have you been with limit increases and having apr's reduced? Anyone PBF them? Thanx.
  2. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    About a year ago I sent a PFB message to them. It was directed directly to there email Customer Service center. I know this because 15 minutes later I got an email from an autoresponder. Then I got a follow up email saying to email them through the online account access's email system. From there I got nothing. A "sorry we can't do that" response obviously from the regular customer service.

    At that point I was looking for an APR reduction and a grace period.

    This month I'm about to take this card to a zero balance after about 10 months of activity from 1K to 3K. I'd like to find out WHO to talk to to get better terms even if I have to dump it or at least threaten to.

    Someone else
  3. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    hey, keep me updated! I have a getsmart visa I want to upgrade also. It's in my sock drawer for now.
  4. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    I just sent Planet Feedback. If I get a email quick response back like I did last time I'll let you guys know.

    Question: Has anyone ever heard of Providian Combining cards?

    I'd like to Combine the Gold Visa and the Getsmart. I'd like to turn them into one Get Smart account..

    To hell with the creezy looking Gold card that I only rent cars and make net purchases with. I have something better for rental cars now.
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I asked retention last year in November if I could combine my get smart and providian clear visa and they said no.
  6. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    What kind of cooperation did you get from them. Also how did you get in contact with them?
  7. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I called them to cancel my card because the rate was at 23.9% and the rep transfered me to retention. I told retention that my Capital One card is at 15.9% fixed and he told me he could offer me 16.9% fixed and I took it. I also asked him if I could combine my accounts and he just said that they currently don't do that. Since Providian has new Executives running the show maybe they will change for the better.
  8. Providian

    Providian Member

    I recieved the card in June of 2001..In Nov I wrote a letter via PFB and they lowered my interest rate and gave me a whopping $100 increase..Rate lowered to 16.99%.. I believe that is as low as you can go unless they upgrade your account..On my Gold Card they finally sent me a offer to upgrade to Plat..
  9. me

    me Well-Known Member

    Previously, I had the Aria Platinum and then got changed automatically to the GetSmart platinum. I have good terms for purchases at only 7.99% fixed, however I have a measly $5000 limit for a platinum card. My Amex Blue has nearly a $21K limit in comparison.

    I emailed them and asked them for a line increase. They said $5K is the limit unless I did some BT's.

    I'm thinking of cancelling it...
  10. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Got a Response from Providian Regarding the Getsmart Card.

    They reduced my Interest rate from 23.99% to 16.99%. I guess I did good since I skipped 19.99%. They said no dice on a grace... Go figure huh?

    So at least we know they respond to PFB.
  11. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any derogs when they ask for the rate reduction? I have the 23.99 but I have my chapter 7 a year ago. Do you think I have a chance? I've only had the card since maybe Oct or Nov last year.

    Maybe I should wait a year?
  12. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    I got Plenty of Derogs although there 5+ years old. I think if anything all they look at is the account history internally.
  13. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    I pfb'd them over a week ago about my interest rate - no response. So I called today and got a bit about the credit limit, apr,etc. being assigned by a computer when the application is received (I applied in December and they pulled EQ and TU - 2 inquires for a *Providian* card??? ) and that they coulnd't do anything.

    So is 16.24% the best they offer? Has anyone gotten lower? I have a $2000 cl and I did have a $100 balance before I called - now I have a zero balance... they also tried to sucker me into some paymenet protection program for $5/month and they'd raise my cl by that $5/month.... let's see.. yeah, it would make sense to pay $60/year to cover my butt on a $100 balance....

    I'm thinking between igorning my pfb and not budging on the interest rate, I'm sock drawer-ing them 'til the account is one year old in December. But then I know that they won't do anything interest rate wise since several people have indicated that they're picky about you using the card every month.

    Well, I'd use it if they'd give me some incentive to use it. 16.24% is not incentive.

  14. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member

    Re: Me

    Me - why do you want to cancel a card that is under 10% apr with no annual fee? Isn't there anything you can do with a 5k limit?
  15. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    As I stated above I got a letter from them after PFBing Aria/Getsmart. All they did was lower the APR. I did get a letter in the mail a week ago informing Providian is upgrading the Gold Visa to a Platinum that has a grace and a lower APR. I think this was sparked by my letter about the Aria/Getsmart.
  16. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Fat Jake: Did you receive your Platinum upgrade yet? If so, what were the terms? Was is a mass-mailing letter or a personal letter offering the upgrade, and if it was a personal letter, was it signed by a "Franklin Rash" in the exec. office?

  17. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    Have the card since 6//01...APR reduced from 23.99 to 16.99 due to a letter from PFB and also advising them that I would be willing to close account if II do not recieve a APR reduction or a CL increase...They also bumped me up to a $400 cl from $300..WHOO HOO...I will use PFB again in April for another CL increase..
  18. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    i got my card 3/01 and they my limit was increased by 650, not without paying a fee of course, but i am still at the same apr, havent had an increase since July, so i need to pfb them.
  19. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    It was a mass mailing type letter but it had my name on it and a couple of other personal things. I threw it away and I dont remember the actual terms I think the APR was 16%. I was really excited by the fact that it had a "grace period". Oh yeah and it said my APR was going to be 0% for the next three months.

    Haven't used Getsmart since I paid it off. Even with the APR reduction it is still my worst card.
  20. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    So do the balance transfer from your Blue. Even if the account has a zero balance.

    Then just transfer it back to Blue.

    Or do it with another account.

    I just recenly did that with Citibank.

    Actually, the Amex LOC works great for this kind of stuff (that's what I transferred from). Then I just write a check so I can pay Citibank back.

    You do end a paying for a few days of interest since there is no grace period for balance transfers.

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