Getting arround Equifax local???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sm691, Aug 15, 2001.

  1. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    HI! I'm hoping someone can help me determine how to do an online equifax dispute. I have been going through the local affiliate, and have gotten great results, but I have had her dispute several things over and over and the last time I talked with her, she souded like she was beginning to loose patience!! I have looked all over the report for the refference number that they talk about on the equifax website, but I can't find one. Can anyone help point me in the right direction????

  2. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Who is the affiliate?
  3. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    Credit Bureau of Jackson, Tennessee.

  4. jmart

    jmart Well-Known Member

    If you have a local Equifax branch, you have to deal with them. Your reports will not have a reference number, but will have your local affiliate's address at the end of the report. I know you can't do online disputes without a reference number...and any letters/phonecalls made to the central Equifax are forwarded to your local affiliate.

  5. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    What is the Jackson bureau's web site address?

    If Equifax is a credit reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis, why don't they have a toll-free number as is required by the FCRA?
  6. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member

    They do have a toll free number, but not a website specifically for thier branch. Back when we were using lexington, one of thier equifax disputes got routed to the main center for equifax. We were able to get several other things removed that the affiliate had previously verified. One of them is an account at a local college that is paid but still shows an I-5. I think part of the reason that this keeps getting verified it because they are within miles of the affiliate, and so there is no lag in the mail. TU has already deleted this one...and my hope was that if I could get the main Equifax office to dispute, then I may have a better chance to get it deleted!!

  7. sm691

    sm691 Well-Known Member


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