getting credit offers! Amazing!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by razorback, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. razorback

    razorback Member

    I just got discaharged ch7 in july. I have not received a cc offer in two years because I totally quit paying them. All of the sudden, I am getting all kinds of offers for credit. High Balances, 0% transfer rates, no annual fee, but fairly high (10%) interest rate. What gives? I thought my credit would be ruined and noone would ever send me a thing. Through my bk I did keep my Car (never missed a payment) and my AMEX green (never missed a payment). I have been reading this board for a while and I don't I just lucky? Would getting one of these credit cards help me right now? The cards are American Airlines VISA, Providian, and another one I never heard of. But none of them are charging outrageous fees to get or keep the card...what gives?
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    They know that since you've just declared and discharged a BK you can't do so for another six years, so if you get on the hook with them, and default you can't use BK to avoid judgments

    Take your time a read everything carefully. You may find that the terms are subject to change once your CR is pulled you may find the low interest rates suddenly "jacked up"

    My advice, apply for 1 or 2 cards maximum, pay them off every month and rebuild your credit slowly

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