If anyoAfter several attempts to get my Experian report online, I'm very frustrated! Any help would be greatly appreciated! What I do is get to the web site and I'm successful in filling out the form. My information is accepted and the next screen comes up with all of the boxes to check. For example, I certified that I'm the requesting my own credit report; I understand that it's a felony to request anyone elses, and so forth. So I check all of those, say yes and submit the form. Here's where I'm having trouble. I keep getting a message back that says "Warning: The page has expired. Then I get some sort of blurb concerning the fact that this is done for security purposes and I'm advised to refresh the screen. So I do that; then, once again, I check yes in all of the boxes, resubmit the form and the process is repeated. I've even gone back and filled out the initial form, thinking that starting over might help, but it didn't. Yes, since I'm using speech to read the screen and fill in the boxes, perhaps I'm a bit slower than you might be, but I really get the form completed pretty fast. hehehe At this point, I have most of the prompts memorized. So I don't know why I'm getting this form has expired message. Can those of you who have used this service offer any suggestions or ideas? I'm about to pull my hair out! Thanks so much for any help.
RE: GETTING EXPERIAN REPORTS O Suggest you disable the proxy cache settings in your internet explorer.
RE: GETTING EXPERIAN REPORTS O Thanks much, Sam, but "proxy cashe settings?" What does that mean and where can I get to the menu within Internet Explorer to disable? I appreciate the advice but I'm sorry to say I'm still lost. Thanks. Donna
RE: GETTING EXPERIAN REPORTS O Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings -> MAke sure all the boxes are unchecked. If you are using a dialup they probably are. Make sure you have IE 5.0 or 5.5 or 6.0 (beta) too..
RE: GETTING EXPERIAN REPORTS O Okay, Sam, thanks. I'll check the settings and make sure my version of Internet Explorer is current. I appreciate the help. Donna
RE: GETTING EXPERIAN REPORTS O Some times I have to click the x box and re-start netscape again...some glitch???