Their are only actually two places, Equifax for Equifax reports alone and MyFico. Go to MyFico via the boards sticky.
Apex is right, but let me expand a bit on what he said. Lots of credit monitoring services will also sell you a "credit score." These are often called FAKO scores, but not by the people who sell them. Creditors only look at FICO scores. And the only source for FICO scores is There's a discount code if you order them through the links on this site. (Equifax will also sell you a genuine FICO score, but only for you Equifax report. You need to check all three.) I use to monitor changes to my credit report, because I can update it daily. I go to and purchase my real FICO score a couple of times a year. There is absolutely no relationship between the fako scores on TrueCredit and the real FICO scores.