Getting item removed from CR?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fingrrrl, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    I have a case listed in the Public Records of my credit report, for a judgment filed against me by Target National Bank in May of this year. Before the case went to trial, Target's lawyers and myself came to an agreement over payment of the amount owing, but a little over a week later, I decided to just pack it in and filed for bankruptcy (since I have about 10 other creditors who refused to negogiate). Anyway, Target dropped the case against me after I filed BK and I received a letter signed by the judge assigned to our case that the case was being dismissed without prejudice at the plantiff's costs. Now my question is, can I get this removed from my credit reports? Target took the action to file this case against me and they're the ones who later took the action to have it dismissed, so I feel it shouldn't be on my reports. Would this be possible to do? Thanks for any and all help.

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