Getting rid of 30 days past due...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Baday, Jun 24, 2002.

  1. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    ...On two cc's.

    I have spent several days reading the posts, and I think this is an awesome website.

    Anyway, I have worked on rebuilding my credit over the past several years (after a rough stretch in my twenties). However, there have been two 30 day instances with the following cc's that is lowering my score:

    1) Providian. I made a payment that was not processed until after the monthly statement was processed for the month. I received the next statement stating that I owed a payment of $75. I had already paid $40 (that had not been processed as of the monthly statement). I paid an additional $30 on the $75 statement above (combined payments of $70). Anyway, I got a 30 day late ding on my CR. I have contacted Providian and disputed through TU w/o any success

    2) Cross Country Bank. I made a payment that was truly lost in the mail. By the time I realized what had happened it was too late and I got another 30 day late ding on my CR. I am currently disputing w/ all 3 CRAs.

    Any other ideas to have the Providian ding removed and possibly the Cross Country Bank if it comes back as verified?

    In addition, I have been succesful w/ disputing 2 other collection accounts on TU and having them deleted (I am currently disputing w/ the other CRAs...I am guessing they will be removed based on what happened w/ TU). I am currently disputing one last collection account. All of my collection accounts are from early 96 and will be removed in early 2003.

    My credit scores have shown significant improvment since February 02 when my scores were 623 (exp), 629 (tu), and 680 (equ). My scores are now 661 (exp), 735 (tu), and 692 (equ). My E-Loan score is 640, but the top negative factor is 3 collection accounts on my record, in which two of them have been deleted by TU. So I would assume this score to increase once they update their records with my latest TU CR info.

    My wife and I are looking to buy a home, and I was wondering whether my scores would keep us from getting a good loan rate (my wife has much better credit scores than me...approx. mid-700s). Would having the collection accouns deleted have a big impact on my score (considering that they are almost coming off of my report)?

    Thanks for your help
  2. KCPaul

    KCPaul Well-Known Member

    your current scores look good enough for a mortgage with reasonable interest. The collection accounts are hurting you and if they are not paid collections you may have a hard time getting a mortgage.
    Are the 30 day past due accounts current. If so, you may want to directly contact the creditor.
    Anyone else?
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    For a mortgage I think 680+ is considered A paper. I'm not in the business so that's not gospel. You are almost there, and if they average you and your wife you are more than qualified. Plus the scores will be different when the mortgage company pulls your reports except for EQ. You should have no problem. Charlie
  4. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I had scores similar and got the best loan rate available at the time of our closing AND I had a BK7. Yes, it's possible! (Wth minimum 3% down FHA, BTW)
  5. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    Have you tried using Planet Feedback on the CC 30 day late - or one of the Goodwill letters?

    If you've had that account for awhile and had good payment history before that - they might be willing to take it off.

  6. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    Thanks for all of the responses! I appreciate it.

    One update is that my E-Loan score has increased to 666 (a better number than before, but a bad number if you are superstitious).

    Anyway, does anyone have a copy of a goodwill letter for a cc 30 day late charge removal. I have been unable to find one in the forum...

    Thanks again
  7. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    Hi there! Glad to hear that you're moving up the credit ladder. If you do a search for Goodwill letter, a lot of stuff will come up. Also, go to the FAQ at the top of the page and read about it in there.

    The goodwill letter can really work if you have been a good customer and intend on being a good customer. I just sent out two for my husband and I'm hoping they'll come back positive.
  8. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due


    I will check it out...
  9. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    I sent a goodwill letter requesting deletion of a thirty day late from '98 to JCPenney's , sent it through PlanetFeedback.

    Got letter in mail today confirming that they are sending notification to CRA's to update to pays as agreed, no lates. Also got nice call from rep who
    said he handles the PFB referrals to his company.

    WhooHoo !
  10. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    Maggie, which goodwill letter did you use? And congrats!
  11. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    I remember reading a post from some time ago stating that Providian does not typically respond to goodwill letters. Does anyone have first had experience of this?

  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting rid of 30 days past due

    I HAD a Providian chargeoff from late 2000. I just kept disputing until it was deleted from all 3 CRA's. It took up to 4 letters, but persistance paid off. I got a letter about 2 months ago from a CA from Providian, and I called em and told em that I don't have a Providian account If they don't believe me they can check my CR with a soft inquiry, but if I'm telling the truth then they will cease all communications with me. They said OK and never even checked my CR. Charlie
  13. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Nana C,

    it's on my computer at work...I'll find it and post it here or email it to you.
  14. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member


    Thanks, Maggie!
  15. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Maggie!


    how does one "keep disputing" with EXP????
  16. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Maggie!

    I wondered that, too, as they are simply refusing to validate an entry on mine they claim previously disputed.
  17. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Maggie!

    I have a question for you too NanaC. I know that when a report includes a your statement section saying

    Account information disputed by consumer (Meets requirement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act)

    inserted by an OC the account is basically ignored (score rises). It looks just like an individual statement. Has anyone ever tried inserting this statement to see if it has the same effect?
  18. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Maggie!

    Wow! You know, I don't know but I wish I did. Excellent thought. I hope someone has the answer to that!

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