Getting rid of closed accounts and.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DShy, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. DShy

    DShy Member

    late payment notations?

    How would I go about doing this?

    " 5) Finally, clearing your reports of late-pay and other notations would be your final step, and there are several methods used to tackle those -- both creditor-direct methods as well as direct disputes to the credit bureaus. It sounds like, though, you aren't quite ready to deal with minor dings just yet."

    I have paid off a chase card that I was delinquent with and since it is paid off, I want to accomplish getting the latepay notations taken off my credit report.

    I also have three credit cards that I have had in the past, all store credit cards, that have all been closed by myself( i now know that was not the best thing to do.) But how would I go about geting those accounts taken off my report along with the late-payment notations.

    Should i call the credit card grantors and ask, send some kind of letter? Im not sure what to send or to say to make sure they do it. Any help will be really great.

    Thank you.
  2. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    Some people have had great luck in telephoning old creditors regarding old store cards. Ask. They've got nothing to lose and if a CSR is having a good day you just may hit the jackpot. They'll notify you via letter that they updated your info and removed the old 'lates."

    If telephone calls don't do it, a nice goodwill letter should.
  3. DShy

    DShy Member

    double post
  4. DShy

    DShy Member

    I called Bebe which is one of the store credit cards that I was late on numerous times, and they told me that I should contact the FCR and gave me the address.

    They said to include my ss#, account #, and any other pertinent info.

    Should I do this? And what type of letter should I use?

    Oh i just called Macy's and they took the negatives off of my account. I guess I will check up on that in a few months.

    I still have to call chase, i doubt they will let me.
  5. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    When you called Macy's, did you ask them to send a confirmation letter to you? Some creditors are great, you call, ask for a confirmation letter to be sent your address that they removed the "lates", you double-check on the report and you move on to the next closed account. Hold on to all the letters though and make a file. The paper trail will be most helpful if anything ever gets mucked up on your CRs.

    Patience and persistence works.
  6. DShy

    DShy Member

    No i didnt ask for a confirmation letter :( Should I call back and ask for one?
  7. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    Sure. Call them back.

    If you recall the name of the individual you spoke to about your closed account, all the better.

    Just call the CS number again, mention that you spoke to "Bill/Sue" only a hour ago or so and they were going to remove the "lates" on your account.

    Tell them you were just so thrilled that the individual was so helpful that you forgot to ask them to forward a confirmation letter to you. <s>

    I'm sure there'll be no problem in getting a confirmation letter. Mark you calendar, if you don't recieve a confirmation letter within two weeks, plan on calling them back. It's a small detail, but it could save loads of time to have it on the store/company letterhead that they were removing all the "lates" on your closed account.
  8. DShy

    DShy Member

    THank you John.

    Im stuck in a little rut with the other 3 accounts I am trying to take care of,

    BEBE is an account i had (multiple lates and the account is closed) they said they cant do anything about it

    Victorias Secret said they would have done it but unfortunately my 1 30 day late was back in 2003 and that it is over their 24 month policy for taking off lates.

    Chase, lol, I am a little intimitated calling them.

    What i was thinking is that i will take off all my previous addresses from my credit reports, and than dispute that those three accounts were not mine. Nothing is owed on any of them, they have all been paid their money, I just want them off my account. Does this sound like a plan that is ok?
  9. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    If BEBE is sitting tight, telling you they can't do anything about your closed account, you may want to take a look at the PsychoDoc's very effective "nutcase" letter. Make it your own but the principles within it may get you complete TL deletion if that's what you're after with BEBE.

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