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getting rid of collections accounts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whiteja111, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. whiteja111

    whiteja111 New Member

    I was checking my credit on line and seen i had an account that went to collection. I checked into it and found out that it was correct ( i had an x ray bill for 67$ that was seperate from the hospital bill not knowing i had the bill i didnt pay it and it got sent to collections) i got in contact with the collection agency and payed the bill.

    my question is are there any ways to get it off your credit report. or do i have to just deal with it for the 7.5 yrs

    It drives me crazy how 67 dollars can kill your score
  2. champ77

    champ77 Member

    based on what I have read, you should have asked the CA to remove that negative item from your credit report when you were calling to pay it off,,,,since they didnt know that you were going to pay, they probably should have accepted,,, but again, I cant say by experience,,
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    How long has it been since you paid it off?
  4. RobertEG

    RobertEG Active Member

    white, whenever such a bill arrives in the future, dont jump an pay it. First call the CA, and offer them a PFD. That stands for pay-to-delete, which means in English, you will pay them if they agree to delete the colection from your credit reprot. Never just pay first.
    This is a very common problem with medical bills.You think that a medical treatment is covered under your insurance, but the medical provider rejects some portion of the charge. Neither the medical provider or the insuror gives any notice back to the patient, and the next thing that pops us is a collection account on your credit report. Happens millions of times every day, and any CA knows this. They will take you $$ in a hearbeat, but make sure you get a letter from them first, in writing, agreeing to payment only in exchange for a deletion of the collection from your CR,
    You can try to GW them now, even though paid, and try to get them to delete it, but you have now lost all leverage. They have their money, so wh7 should they invest any time into helping you?
    Not fair, but it is the way the game is.
  5. whiteja111

    whiteja111 New Member

    thanks for the help i tried to get them to take it off and they said its illeagle
    to take it thats bull but what can i do. thanks again for the help
  6. whiteja111

    whiteja111 New Member

    probly been a month
  7. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    You can dispute it with the credit reporting agency, if for any reason the collection agency fails to respond then the credit reporting agency will delete it.

    It can be reinserted by the creditor or collection agency. But the credit reporting agency must give 5 business day notice of reinsertion other wise you can write them back demanding the item to be removed due to improper service. This works I used it before.

    Sometimes if an account is paid, the collection agency will ignore the dispute and let the item fall off. I have had that happen before. Never hurts to try.

    If it gets verified, then wait for the holiday like right before Thanksgiving and crossing Christmas is a good time to try. Two holiday in less then 30 days to make it harder on the credit reporting agency to verify in such short time, people at businesses may be off for vacation, so not many will respond during that time. Or you can send it at the start of December and let it be due back right around New Years Eve and New Years Day.

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