Getting WestCap and More Free Advic

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by WestCap, Dec 2, 2001.

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  1. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Just a quick comment regarding this matter. And also a matter of hiring WestCap.

    Everyone needs to understand that 90% of "credit repair" or "credit restoration" is based upon what and how you are able to convince the 8 dollar an hour employee you want them to do for you.

    Sometimes we all get caught up in the legal issues, but in reality less than 1% of all of our claims ever get resolved via formal litigation.

    You see what I mean? I started this thread to show you that no matter what the cardholder agreement says, you (as a basic principle of contract law) have the ability to amend and modify the terms and conditions of the original agreement.

    When presented with the PROPER and MASSIVE evidence of an agreement, what do you think that the 8.00 employee at Sears or Discover is going to do? That's right! They are not going to want to deal with you.

    I promise you all that I am not re-inventing the wheel on this, and as long as you follow the steps to the letter, you WILL be successful.

    Remember, it is not necessarily about reality, but perception of reality that will convince the person on the other end of the phone to fill out the UDF to remove the item.

    Since I have started posting here two weeks ago, I have been besieged for requests to assist members of the group in their personal efforts to resolve their problems. I have decided that I will continue to post "general advice" for free, but if you have specific issues that need "intense legal hard core resolutions", I can and will assist you at the rate of three hundred dollars per item.

    I have my own legal department, a full staff and a team of pit bulls that work for me. I am not a one man operation, although I will personally handle your case myself. (up to 50 cases per month) I would not suggest that anyone hire me unless they have done all that they can on their own or you have an income exceeding 50K per year(or unless you simply have the cash).

    If this is considered "advertising" then the moderator can delete this part of the post, but I figure due to the severe volume of mail that I am getting regarding these requested services I felt it better to flat out address this issue. If any of you feel that this is not appropriate for a forum such as this, please e-mail me privately.

    Last week I spent over two hours on the phone with one of your leaders from thie board, and at the end of the conversation, we agreed that this would be an asset to the members, as even he was not able to handle certain types of cases.

    If you really want to know more about me, simply click the signature link for all the references you will ever need.

    In conclusion, I apologize in advance for the pricing. I know that this is almost 10 times what others are charging, but this is not my primary business...this is a hobby that I am DAMN GOOD AT! Just ask the leaders of the board who I have helped in the past few weeks (I will NEVER discuss specific clients...sorry)

  2. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    I am not in a position to afford your services, so only the rich leaders of this board will be able to hire you. However, I appreciate your generous offer to continue posting "General Advice" for free.
  3. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    you're crazy! $300?? Per item?
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    doodyhead, I don't think he's crazy at all. In many fields, highly specialized consultants sometimes charge more than that PER HOUR rather than simply per item, LOL. For people who can and choose to afford a certain level of service, more power to them. Remember, doodyhead, just because American Express charges $1000 as an annual fee to hold their Centurion Card doesn't make them crazy for doing so, neither does it make their customers crazy either. (It may make them "affluent" but certainly not crazy.) We all find our own relative level of affordable pricing, and that will vary according to an individual's wealth or lack thereof.

    Now, if you mean to say, "Wow, I can't afford that at all. It's way over my pay scale, and it's hard to imagine how much I would need to earn before I could afford to begin hiring people who charge so much," then that's a different story, lol. But do keep in mind that, in WestCap's case, he's a nationally known and recognized expert in the field with appearances on CNN and in several nationally distributed magazines, etc. Although he may be more expensive than I can afford, I'm sure he'll find quite a few high-end takers. In fact, my understanding is that he already has.

  5. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Not so outrageous, if you get the results you want. He says he's good and if he is then that is probably pretty cheap! Just not in reach of most of us on this board at this time. "Money Talks" and for the most part that is what makes things happen. The rest of us will get there, we just have to work a little harder and it will take a little longer.
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Ummmm guys, westcap can probably purchase the debt ;)
  7. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Pretty perceptive as usual breeze. LOL
  8. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    LEADERS of our board????? ROFL
  9. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    As in, this is an invasion, now take me to your leader????
  10. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Why are you guys picking apart that post. It was honest and to the point. $300 per item is nothing compared to some of you wanted to purchase good tradelines months ago. Remember, Remember.

    Why get offending by the term leaders of the board. It is just a word. I get so sick and tired of all the picking picking going on here.

  11. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Holly Cow,
    I just got back from church and have finished reading the posts. Look guys, you have to understand my position. I am absolutely the last person in the world that wants to "take advantage" of any situation. And to those of you who are offended by the previous post, I apologize. Believe it or not, the fee that I suggested is a reduced fee from the ten thousand dollar flat fee that I used to charge.

    You must understand that there are many types of people on this board. Many of us have been blessed to have been given good minds and skills that we can use to help others. Many of the people who post on this board are professionals who "monitor and donate" their time. This is what I mean when I say that I will continue to provide FREE ADVICE and specific methodology and direction to address your issues.

    It is just that the personal (off site) e-mails that you all are sending me are very complicated in nature and require very serious detailed legal and investigative responses. In other words, the template letters will not work.

    In order to help those of you in these types of situations, I must utilize the resources of my legal and investigative teams and that costs money! In order to understand the reasoning for the "per item charge", You have to understand the comprehensive value of a 750 score vs. a 540 when being underwritten for a mortgage. The difference can be equated to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the borrower.

    Now, let me address the specific issue of "YOUR LEADERS" and the reasoning of why I made that comment.

    It is apparent that there are certain people on this board who feel that their advice is absolute "gospel" and some people feel that they can and should charge you for each and every little thing that they do for you. I will not discuss this further, but simply said.. that is not my style. There are MANY good people who are solid sources of valid information who should be commended for their service to the community.

    To clarify, I am willing to help anyone, anytime.

    I receive requests daily ranging from single moms who are trying to get back on their feet to Doctors, Attorneys, Investment Bankers and Dot Comer's who "screwed up" and need serious help. They have tried everything and some have even hired attorney's.

    A lot of you have very high incomes and have absolutely no problem paying ANY price, so long as you get WHAT you want, WHEN you want it.

    And then there are those who can not afford to currently pay your mortgage or rent payment. Many times those are the people who look at fee structures such as these and say "who in the world would ever pay this?" That is OK and fine. You are not in a position right now to pay these "outrageous" prices, but soon, just for the simple fact that you are on this board, reading each and every post, you WILL overcome your challenges or obstacles that are preventing you from achieving financial success and your financial freedom.

    The bottom line is that I am a professional, I AM the absolute best resource that money can buy. This is not self promotion, but a fact. There is a reason that certain members of this board defend each and every post that I submit that could be interpreted as controversial...could it be that they can tell the B from the S?

    Donald Trump once said..."I do not care WHAT they say about me AS LONG AS they continue to talk about me"

    Think about it!
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I'm confused about the website listed. When I copy and paste I get an article about some guy in Salt Lake City, Utah. How do I find Westcap or his website?
  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    That's him, Christi.
  14. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    Now, I'm seriously confused. I went to the website, and he is a debt collection agency? But he's willing to help us? Am I not getting something here or
  15. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    He has helped people on here. He offered to help me, but I think it was a lost cause (finding out who it was that checked my credit report on the sly).

    Anthony used to help people - he was in collections. A lot of people were suspicious, but I always found Anthony very helpful.

    My dealings with collections people, now, are on behalf of people with unpaid medical bills, where insurance (mostly medicare) should have paid the bill, and didn't for some technical reason. I do this because I am an insurance agent and know the ropes. Most of the collection agencies, once they find out what is going on, send the debt back to the doctor or hospital without any trouble at all. The one or two who have been harda$$ed about it had second thoughts when I got through, hehe. I took the sick little old lady they were calling down to their offices so they could apologize to her personally. ;)

    I think there are some really sleazy collection agencies out there (lots of them), who don't give a rats a$$ what they do, but they are not all like that. There is sleazy everything in this world. Even sleazy insurance agents ;)

    Do you have any friends who own businesses? I have a friend who is in business building websites for other buisnesses - she is the one who put up the pictures from our trip to the Outer Banks last spring.
    they're here:
    this is me:

    You would be surprised at how people - some of them large businesses - treat her. They don't bother paying her, some of them have even written her bad checks! This is her livlihood. So she uses a collection agency.

    I also know the gal who owns the collection agency - she is very nice, and isn't out to hurt people - she performs a necessary service for businesses.

    So, I think there are two sides to the coin. :)
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    Another thought to add to this. Most of the best criminal defense attorneys were once prosecutors. ;)
  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    Kudos to you Breeze. You deserve a big round of applause. Too bad there's not more people like you out there that will take the time to help someone in desperate need of help. My hat (if I wore one) is off to you.
  18. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    OH I wasn't suspicious. I just thought I was at the wrong site or place. I'll take help from anyone who gives it. I even emailed him re: the $300 per item thing, I am willing to pay for a few.
  19. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    Okay I have three disgustingly nasty derogs, if these can truly die for good, I would like to hear more. If this is another "spam them with form letters" infomercial, I want no parts of it.

    My father is rather affluent and if this is true, he might be a guinea pig. He's got 2 recently popped up unpaid derogs. I bet I could get him to pay $300 but what exactly can you offer us?
  20. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: Breeze

    I have a brief "cross my heart" testimonial to post here. I am a ".comer" ,if you will, who will sleep tonight because of this man,Robert. IMVHO, he didn't express himself and his "offer" the best on his first post, but folks He's the real deal. imvho : If you're trying to Screw the System ? Leave him alone. But if the System is trying to Screw you ? Whatever .
    The website needs the Hubris
    $300 Fee
    $50,000 income
    NObody here has payed the man One Dime. He is "coming from where he is coming from, and that's from successfully helping the Fat Cats.(Find me a Kick Butt lawyer who will plead and win your case (for less than $300 An Hour) and not "pad" his/her hours and I'll Kiss your ass. Been There -Payed That.
    So everybody just keep asking your questions,and keep berating your Free Advice, and maybe CapWest will just "go away",and some of you can get back to "the crying game"
    As I said , a Cross My Heart Testimonial,with Nothing to gain here.
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