Getting WestCap and More Free Advic

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by WestCap, Dec 2, 2001.

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  1. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    I just fell out of my chair.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    LKH, some of the careless medical billing practices even made the collectors gag.

  3. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: Breeze

    Sorry Robert,I know you're WestCap (not capwest).
    I should have been in Church with you this evening.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Breeze

    LOL chele, hope you didn't hurt yourself. :)

  5. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

  6. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: WestCap, AllExperts

    You Really need to Reread Robert's "Offer',especially paragraphs 8 &9.
    "I will Personally handle your CASE."

    "I would not suggest that anyone hire me Unless They Have Done All That They Can OWN THEIR OWN."

    "Specific issues that need Hard Core Resolutions".

    "I will continue to offer Free Advice on Creditnet".

    I don't understand your problem here.
    Just ignore his posts.
    Take A Pole,you will be surprised IMVHO
  7. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: WestCap, AllExperts

    Legitimate questions all.

    ¥ <---- Chelechele, capsized. *<8^).
  8. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: WestCap, AllExperts

    "Sorry but this Robert Paisola guy is not doing anythingfor anyone that cannot be done............"
    He said: "don't hire me unless you have given up doing it on your own...." Where's the rub ?

    As for your "questions",lizardking,.....Who are you asking ???
    I appreciate your (and the boards) "free" knowledge
    and expertise,but as is a consensus on this board (express in Credit Card terms) If You Don't Like The Terms,agreements,or conditions....just Don't Apply!

    Long live laissez faire economics.
    With Respect,
  9. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: WestCap, AllExperts

    Now I'm following you lizardking,who said, "there are no bad questions".?
    So "confront" WestCap,straight on,with your questions.That's what this Board is for.
    I bet you there are Many of your peers who would like Clarity here.
  10. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Re: WestCap, AllExperts

    Good evening all,
    Another very interesting day. Let me be very direct in responding to the posts that have appeared today by Mr. Lizard.

    1. The fee that I stated in my original post is three hundred dollars TOTAL and that includes removal from all three bureaus. This fee is subject to change by how I feel about the person we are dealing with or the severity of the problem at hand. In other words, this is not Sears and there is not a set price. The prices stated herein are guidelines and each situation is unique and different. Each situation is evaluated by a legal and investigative team PRIOR to even agreeing to accept any kind of case. Everything that is done is with the full intent of clearing the specific items from all three bureaus in a legal and compliant manner and many of the "clearance documents" originate from the courts and certified letters of compliance and stipulation agreements with the reporting creditors which are then passed along to the credit reporting agencies. This is accomplished by providing the UDF from the original creditor to each primary reporting agency that is usually attached to a letter confirming the deletions on their corporate legal stationary.

    2. It is not my job nor desire to be a morality monitor. If you feel that your dispute is not "legitimate" and you refuse or desire not state that you have a "legitimate dispute" then I would suggest that you do not even bother wasting your time e-mailing or calling me. The tone of this question has a very technical legal "double edge" to it and if you are concerned about whether you should not be entitled to have what you perceive as "legally valid negative credit tradelines" on your bureau removed then I would suggest that you let the items remain, because after all...that is the "right" thing to do. After all, We would not want you to have a moral conflict when something that happens to be valid is actually removed from your files, and we would not want to have any part of that internal moral dilemma. :)

    3. There are many federal legislative issues that discuss the points mentioned regarding the issue of pricing. The bottom line is that I am a hired consultant, I charge some people NOTHING and others I charge $300.00 PER HOUR. You are correct that in certain cases, it is not possible to charge the fees that I charge the way the initial post was presented. If the fees are a problem in your specific jurisdictional area, then I suggest that you utilize the services of other services around the nation that will work for you for one tenth of the price. This would probably be the best solution for you if you have even a remote problem with any of the fees.

    You stated in an earlier post that "this..guy is not doing anything for anyone that cannot be done with the methods discussed here by many of us for free" I beg to differ, and if you believe this, then again, keep doing what you are doing and everything will continue as it was in the days prior to my arrival.

    Again, let me be perfectly clear. There are many ways to resolve past credit imperfections. Many of the ideas discussed on this board are valid and have helped many of you get to where you need to be. I suggest that I am an additional asset that some people may choose to utilize. That is all.

    Lizard, I appreciate all of the advice that you have so generously donated to the members of this forum in the past. I can understand your potential frustration at someone such as myself making statements like I do. As many of my clients and supporters will attest, I am certainly not able to resolve everyone's issues. I have a specific demographic that I have found that I am able to help and assist, and that demographic has been carefully confined to individuals who have very high earning potential who have made past mistakes and need their matters resolved immediately. The people who use me are surrounded daily by attorneys and analysts who do nothing but kiss their *** all day long. The people that I deal with could care less if the price is 300 per item, 300.00 per hour or 300.00 per minute, as long as they get the results the want when they want them.

    And guess what... there are MANY of these types of people on this very board!

    You need to know that there are many discussions taking place behind the scenes with these people that I have herein described daily. These individuals value their privacy and confidentiality and they know what they want and I am able to provide it to them.

    They have a keen business sense and have the ability to detect the B from the S, and frankly most of these people I am able to assist.

    In conclusion, let me state that the reason for the re-setting of the feedback count meter on the site was that the inquiries were getting out of control and we were forced to re-set the meter to only accept three questions MAX per day.

    I hope that I have again, answered your questions presented in great detail. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to e-mail me at your leisure.
  11. debtfree

    debtfree Member

    Well said Rob,
    I remember when I started my credit repair with you. I felt as if the creditors were going to start car pooling to my house. I will never forget the day that I called. I was ready to get sued and was hiding my car in the garage to keep it from getting repossessed. I felt as if I were one step away from being on top of a building with a sniper rifle. I realized that not doing something hurt worse than finally dealing with it. It was by no means easy but I really appreciated the way that you really took the bull by the horns doing it one step at a time and you never judged me for my lot in life. It feel that it was the best 10,000 that I ever spent. Now almost 200 points higher with no debt I call them to tell them to pull their head out or I will cancel my account and go with another bank as compared to saying "I'm sorry they aren't here right now, this is the baby sitter". Instead of walking around with my fists clenched with stress I can go to McDonalds without scrounging through the couch for change. I really appreciate the help that I got. I like your philosophy that we get the calls to stop and then you hand me the fishing pole and teach me how to fish so I can make a change with my lifestyle and then we get into the good stuff of managing the new credit established to maximize the credit scores. Kudos Rob.
  12. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I just have to ask, if you were hiding your car from creditors and worried about overdue bills, how could you afford the $10,000 to hire the credit expert? (Not sarcasim, just an honest question.)
  13. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Seems to me like our newbie expert and his newbie follower(s) (whether real or unreal) will have to look someplace else, if they want to make a small (or not so small) fortune out of the credit needy.

  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Actually, Bkev and bbauer weren't banned for "huckstering." In fact, Bkev wasn't selling anything at all, so that's certainly unfair to him. Bkev and bbauer were temporarily banned because they were flaming each other, and I fear the present thread could devolve into that against WestCap in this case.

    LizardKing, a few quick questions for you: While I certainly respect your defense of federal law, do you consider it unlawful to make false claims in documents submitted to courts of law? In other words, if you falsely claim that a debt isn't yours, does that violate law? What if you succeed in having CRAs delete tradelines under those pretenses, does that violate federal law? Finally, does driving 80 miles per hour on federal interstate highways in urban areas where the mandated speed limit is 55 miles per hour violate federal law?

    My point is certainly not to disparage LizardKing, as I have enjoyed his posts. My point, though, is that it is very easy to engage in selective morality and throw big stones at others through the windows of our own glass houses.

  15. debtfree

    debtfree Member

    That is a fair question so I will answer. I lost my job for a while. I was living in a 3600 square foot house and was strapped. I found a good job again and sold my house through Robs advice. We went through my debt to income ratios and got rid of anything that wasn't in the goal. Like I said it takes sacrifice. There is no such thing as a free lunch. I made a deal with Key to pay off my car. I made deals with creditors with Robs help and then had a payment schedule that I had to follow. It has taken a while to get where I am at but I am really happy.
  16. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Mr. Lizard,
    Please call me at my office as soon as possible at 1-877-279-8298. I will instruct my staff to pull me out of whatever I am doing to speak with you.

    The local time in SLC, Utah is now 10:38 AM, when should we expect your call?
  17. debtfree

    debtfree Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    How would he be violating the law if you know so much. What has he done to you? All I see that he has done is try to give advice and help. Why don't you close your mouth and listen to what he has to say. You might even learn something if you can lower your ego enough to hear. I am not trying to be harsh but it just upsets me when you slam someone on the board that has not asked for a cent and has only tried to help. I thought that that is what the board is about. We are all getting through it together.
  18. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Mr. Lizard,
    I have just asked you to contact my office. Is your prior comment a refusal to comply with this request? I assure you that every single question that you have will be crystal clear upon completion of the call. I will also invite our corporate attorney's to join the conversation so that your legislative and legal questions can be answered in a full and complete manner.

    Again sir I ask, Are you refusing to call?
  19. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    please call him and then post the answer for us, I am curious also. Kelly
  20. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Yes, please do.
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