Getting WestCap and More Free Advic

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by WestCap, Dec 2, 2001.

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  1. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Whew it's getting warm in here........
  2. debtfree

    debtfree Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    If you think your right then in your mind you might be. But if it is your true desire to progress in your credit quest then you might want to listen. It seems as if the whiners are usually the skeptics. They can't think outside of their surroundings. They put others down to make themselves feel better about themselves. You must feel pretty insignificant or have a low self image. This is coming from the "tool of a little girl". Put up or shut up.
  3. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Ok, seems like the lack of an answer speaks for itself.

    One more time. (no, not screaming, just clarifying, in case of confusion)
    simple yes or no will suffice.


  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    This is the stuff witch-hunts are made of. My guess is that the guy doesn't charge in advance. Many consultants do their work and then send an invoice. I would think that the type of people who can afford expensive consultation aren't the types who are asked to pay in advance.

    Regardless, I have zero evidence how WestCap bills for his work. On the other hand, nobody else here has any evidence that he bills in an illegal manner either.

    Now that we're rid of the recent Bkev-bbauer flame war, why reinvent the same wheel?

  5. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Damn People ! Lighten Up ! If you Don't want to subscribe to WestCap's "Fee'd " Services-Don't , all you've got to do..IS NOTHING (He has Posted his Fee Service Offering.....IN TWO Damned POSTS !!!
    How much Crap has been posted...and How Many Negative Posts have been generated ??
    Just Ignore Him Completely,Please,because I personally need All The FREE Advice I Can Get,and he Freely Gives.
    PS: You people have come a looong way from Last Week,when We (Most Of US) were Soliciting Rob for an...... ASK ROB THREAD..
    So before you Run Him Off, Please just go "apply" for some More Credit Cards!
  6. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Debtfree, it is obvious that you are a new poster...Lizardking a whiner? NO WAY!!!!

    How can you ever get answers, if you never ask the questions?

    Doc, for what it's worth I agree with you!!!

    Let all opinions be expressed on this forum, if we start selectively supressing opinions, and methods, how are we ever going to learn????

    P.S. Go Keyhoy2K!!!!!
  7. loni

    loni Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Lizardking, can you turn your e-mail on, there is someone who has information for you.
  8. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    As someone else on this board is fond of saying, Hmmmm...
  9. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    ......"Witch-Hunt "...PsychDoc ?????
    Who's going to lead it ?? That Person who Proudly writes : " I Have 'Flexible' Moral Standards" ??

    Know what,You're probably right,That's Who Has Always Led "Witch- Hunts".
  10. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Wow seems like nobody can answer a direct question LOL
  11. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Re: Getting WestCap and More Free A

    Hello Westcap,

    Thank you for participating on Straight Talk. Sharing one's knowledge and experience with this community is, of course, the stated purpose of this board. Towards that end we sincerely appreciate your efforts to contribute valuable information here to whatever extent you feel comfortable.

    As you do please bear in mind that it is not acceptable to utilize this discussion board as a marketing tool for self-promotional purposes no matter how discreet the attempt. Underlying every Straight Talk membership is the implied assumption that one's participation will be honest, candid, and forthcoming. The information volunteered should be informative or insightful, and should serve to answer questions posted by other members whenever possible.

    Since membership is voluntary you are obviously under no obligation to share your knowledge or experience with us. If you do participate, however, we expect you to comply unconditionally with our TOS wherein we specifically prohibit use of this board as a means for soliciting business. Furthermore we ask that you participate in the discussions by providing answers to the best of your ability, and that you do not limit your posts to vague responses intended to lure members into a fee-based service.

    At the same time we feel that any additional business you are able to generate by contributing valuable information to this board is business you earn through the quality of your posts and are therefore entitled to. If members wish to learn more about you they can click on the link in your tagline.

    Once again I wish to thank you for joining this community and look forward to your continued participation on Straight Talk.

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