Glitch w/EQ online investigations

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by donna8284, Jan 9, 2002.

  1. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    I posted yesterday about this some what.
    I had an investigation that was due 1/7.When I checked online it was finished so I viewed my report.

    History- I have 2 collections that were both reported twice on my report for a total of 4 collections.

    When I viewed the report 2 of them where gone. Then I pulled my scorepower report and it listed all 4 still there. So I called EQ. They said that all the collections came back verified and the conf# number I had belonged to a different dispute. She had no idea why online the collections were not showing and said all she can do is give me the # to the web site techs. She said she could put in another dispute stating duplicate accounts but it might take the full 30 days again. She agreed it was obvious they were duplicates but she couldn't do anything. I said fine and she gave me a conf#.

    I still had an ongoing dispute due 1/18 for a different account. I go to check the status this morning on that one and it had been completed. So I viewed my report (the stupid account remains) but low and behold 3 of the collections are showing gone now only leaving 1!????!

    So I check the status of the dispute she just gave me yesterday and it is completed (amazing huh?) and the report shows only 1 collection listed. Woohoo I thought once again until I pull my scorepower report.

    The 2 duplicate accounts are gone but the 2 original are still showing.

    Is there anything I can do here?
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I would make copies of all the online reports you get, then wait for the hardcopy to come in the mail. I'm not sure if you have a lawsuit or not, until you see what's on the hard copy. Someone else may know better. I would go by the one you get in the mail. Onlines can't be trusted (you should be able to but you can't).

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