the gm card sucks. I just closed mine again I closed it in november, and they forgot. It's a household card with their subservient level of customer support. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME. If they don't close my account this time i'm going to sue household. junk junk junk = household. Stay far away from this company, you'll learn why sooner or later.
Well, I don't plan on carrying a balance on the card so I won't need the customer service part. $6000 is the highest credit line that I will have though and that is why I will be keeping it. I know them well, they offer prime and subprime. Whenever, their is subprime, a company will treat you like dirt sometimes. Sort of like a Providian. But I know they are not that bad.
Just called them to see about bumping my limit from 2000.00 to 5000.00, the lady said she would have to get an underwriter to review it and it will take 24 hours. I will post my results when I get them.
Well they would not increase my limit, they said based on the credit report that is all they can do for me. They said after a 6 month payment history with them I can try back. This is my highest credit limit now so I guess I can not complain.
HOUSEHOLD WAS MY HIGHEST LIMIT ($17,000) when all my others were about $5,000... They decided to charge me $29.00 annual fee...SO THEY LET ME CLOSE IT AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY THE $29.00 FEE (wasn't that NICE)... LOSE AN ACCOUNT BECAUSE OF A $29.00 ANNUAL FEE!!!
I think they pull experian here in california - I opened a different Household Bank CC a couple of months ago and they used experian not equifax................anyone have anymore info to add? -Sal
I am in California they pulled equifax for me, twice.. i got GM card with 5000 cl upped it to 8000 before activating with 754 fico.. they pulled AR to up limit.. then I applied for HouseHold Platinum and got approved for 5000 with a 747 fico they would not up the limit how ever.... : ( I guess 13k in less than a week is ok though.. LOL Kev
Kustomkat, Nice job - congrats (I'm sure you can get anything you want with those scores) I'm just really concerned about trying for a GM because it's really important they pull equifax - like I said in my previous post HHB pulled experian on me but it's possible maybe they just use equifax for GM? -Sal
Not sure if it makes a difference, but GM pulled TU for me. With a 730 fako score, I got approved for 1500 cl and a 0% bt for 6 months. I thought that was pretty good, although I wish it was a higher limit! mysti_summer
I got approved for a GM card 9/18, they pulled EQ. I live in NY. My EQU at time was 714 and after 1 INQ score still 714. I don't know credit limit yet.
UPDATE: I got brave and applied online, I got the "we will contact you within 10 days - please take a moment to visit our websites" I called a CSR right after I applied online and she put me on hold - then she came back on and told me I was APPROVED for $2500 Me very happy!! -Sal
I just got an email from the GM card... "You have been approved for the GM Card with a credit limit of $5000." WHOOO HOOOO!! This is my second prime card now!
My score was 781 at that time and I got approved for 5K. My highest CL at this time is 8.4k from Citi. Mephisto