Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JE, Jan 8, 2001.

  1. JE

    JE Guest

    Figure this one out!! I applied on the same day to Discover and Aria. I was approved on-line with Aria for a Personna, no grace, $89 annual fee $500 limit. Discover couldn't approve on-line. Both came in the mail today, Discover Platinum? Suprise! $6000 limit, Aria $500. Go figure... I know they both pulled my flawless Experian, checked it on Iplace. I called Aria to see if there were some mistake and maybe upgrade my card. They said the decision was based on my credit report and they couldn't do anything. Oh well, lost my business. I cancelled...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    $500 credit line is usually given to customer's that have NEVER had any credit!!!
  3. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    CANCELLED? OH NO... Do you know how many want this card??? :) J/K, congratulations!

    Kinda reminds me of my $12,500 Citibank and $300 Kmart Mastercard - both pulled Equifax.
  4. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

    HeHeHe, Thanks!!!
  5. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    Decisive Action!!

    At least you cancelled. I think subprime banks get lazy because they generally deal with a very passive and fatalistic group of people. Maybe we can turn that around.

    Congratulations on both your Discover card and your decisive action against Aria.
  6. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

    RE: Decisive Action!!

    Atleast they did say they are reporting it as closed by consumer/paid in full. And they would credit the $89. Another good trade line?
  7. lee

    lee Guest

    Aria is the shittest credit card that anyone can apply for.Why?Unless you are making 70K or more you will get the worst deal from them!They are money worshipers!Which is very evil to begin with.So if you don't fit the upper crust family for their credit standards,don't expect much from them!
  8. Michael

    Michael Guest

    Wrong George!

    Aria starts out with $250.00 and you have to have at least one trade line in the bureau open a couple months.

    $500.00 is usually given to a person with 1-2 trade lines open for 6-12 months.

    $1,000.00 for a trade line open over one year.

    This is based on no derogitory info.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    RE: Wrong George!


    Don't know about ARIA, never used them.
    Just going on the information I have heard, and my personal experience of 22+ years.
  10. mt

    mt Guest

    I don't think it is the worst card out there, this board has named some real doozies. Future Card, First Premier, etc. etc.
  11. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Michael, Aria started....

    my friend off with a card w/ a $250 limit and she had NO CREDIT AT ALL! Only a million inquiries. She might of even had 1 trade reporting (a collection account for $100 dollars) but she is not sure what report it is on and she's not sure what report was pulled for the Aria approval.

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