I dropped 13 points this morning when Experian's Credit Manager HomePage said I was currently delinquent on 13 accounts. Not true. Not delinquent on one. Is Experian trying to drive people to heart attacks? Anyone else have this phony delinquent status reported?
That's okay my score dropped 50 points because Equifax is showing seven mortgage inquiries as hard inquiries. Thanks, Equifax. Dani
Dani, I think that's when multiple auto or mortgage inquiries within a certain time period are counted as one inquiry, as far as FICO calculations are concerned. So, theoretically, ten auto loan inquiries within a five-day shopping period are counted as one in your FICO score. But this is for your FICO score only; for everything else, you might be screwed, because hard inquiries are hard inquiries are hard inquiries, and you can very well be rejected based on an "excessive number of inquiries in the last x months." wajaba