Hello, I have opted out and am now in the process of removing old addresses. I have had success with TU via phone. I have a question, though. Should I have the goal of only having a clean address on my report. I received statements at my current address for a 1st Financial account that was in bad standing. Actually, I have paid it off and was not late in the last 2 and a half years. None the less, it negatively affects my score because it was closed and I paid as agreed. I have an office that does not have any ties to any negative things. My driver's license is for my current address though and i have read that that should be included in the letters. I have not done any thing that would be negative to my score from my current address, but it is still linked to the aforementioned account. What should I do? I am very anxious to move further down the credit repair road, but i do not want to shoot myself in the foot. Please help with any suggestions. - UL
First, your legal residence address should be the one listed. It appears more than two years old, so you should try to remove all older addresses. I would not bother trying to "end run" the address for the one negative item. You do not detail the negative, so it is hard to determine the impact on your credit score. If it is "Paid As Agrees (or Agreed), you may want to keep it on your reports for "down the road", the negative mark will fade as time elapses, and the aging of the account will help your score. You can also try disputing the item after you have removed the old addresses. For now, just work on the removal of any previous residence addresses, then move on to disputes of any negative information.
Is there a way to know which old addresses are linked to old accounts, or are we just going from our own records? I figure these nice little 'i.d numbers' on EX have something to do with it, but didn't know if it was code.