As you all know creditors can go after spouses in community property states even if the spouse is not a joint holder (of a credit card), and does not even know that the other applied/and received for a card in his/her name only. One of my nieces is/was married to an illegal alien who just 3 months ago was deported. While he was here he was able to obtain several credit cards in his name only with a fake SS number (which he bought). Obvioulsy the credit card companies never verified the legality of that SS #. While he was still here he made regular minimum monthly payments, but now, since he was deported no payments have been made. If these companies now go after her citing the community property state crap, what are her chances for using the defense that she didn't know anything about those cards, that she was neither a joint holder or even authorized user, and that the credit card companies failed to verify the legality/authenticity of his SS #???
As she was married to him, this may cause a little trouble for her. it is good that she didn't open or take any debts from CC's or any other stuff, and since he a an illegal migrant, this may help her. better consult a good lawyer. you must have heard of "A stitch in time saves Nine". Vik