Well Guys and Dolls, I'm down to the wire on my wedding (Sunday) and the out-of-town guests will start to arrive by morning. Got 99.9% of of everything done on my list. But still it's that other 0.01% that eating my lunch right now. Funny thing is, when I get too, too wound up, I find solice in logging into Credit Net to check on all my "buddies" and get the latest scoop. So, I won't be posting for a couple of weeks or so. Wish me luck! "Love ta kiss ya!"
Have a great time!!!! Enjoy the day, it is the most special day yet, and there will be more to come. PS, If I hear how the honeymoon was, you didn't spend enough time in the hotel! LOL
Hope, Congratulations on your wedding and have an absolutely terrific time on your honeymoon. Don't worry, if you miss us too much and need the calming (??) effect of CreditNet the UK is chock full of internet cafes (LOL-I logged into here from one of them on Portabello Rd while antiqueing!)
Congratulations Hope and your new other half. take care and have fun. as soon as you get back make sure to lets us know, we want to hear all about it. GOOD LUCK and lots of happy wishes to both of you.
congratulations!!!! enjoy your special day... i am sure it will be the beginning of a wonderful new life!