Hello all. Heres a question I have about a seemingly good account.Should I be angry or just let it fly.It is a positive TL..Heres the situation. Amex is CC.. This is how its being reported. DateOpened. 03/2004. Thats correct Date of Status;1/2007. Thats correct Reported since; 1/2007. First time CC was used was 1 month after acct was opened.Should the correct date be 04/2004. Last reportd date; 1/2007. Correct. CR Limit; N/A High balance 550.00. Thats Correct amount Recent balance.550.00..Most recent balance was 450.00 due to payment of 100.00 I made before they reported or before the next billing cycle ended. Recent payment.0.00. I made payment of 100.00.. I called one of their reps to ask about this.Mainly Because the day the reported it my score dropped 19pts.. Anyway the rep told me that they are typically 30 days behind when it comes noting recent payment. Even though my payment was made 13 days before they last reported.. She said they did not have to mark recent payments.It would seem to me that by not having the recent payment noted and the most recent balance noted that it would cause a problem with the scoring. At least in my case since I di see the drop. My concern is how to address the situation.Write them a letter and raise heck about it not being 100% accurate?.OR Just get it paid off and put it in a drawer?.I know I do Not want to loose the history by having the TL removed. I had taken the advice here about CCs that had no CL reported and made a big purchase so as to get the high balance a little higher. Not sure now if that was the best move. Anybody been in this situation.If so How did you handle it?. It really erks me the wrong way when you try and be responsible and the CC companys still jerk cunsumers around. frioguy
As you noted, Amex does not show CL. That is the only quirk that may cause a scoring problem, since it makes it appear that you have a balance near your high balance, which is what FICO substitutes for CL when it is missing. If you have other accounts, with substantially more available credit, this makes little difference. Otherwise, fix it. Make sure you have available credit substantially higher than you actually use. You can force Amex to show a higher high balance by running up the balance, then paying it off once it shows on your statement, leaving a higher high balance. Cap One has the same problem.
Thanks Ontrack.. Luckily I do have a couple other accounts that are better. BOA mortgage that is prefect and BOA cc that has a decent high CL. My amex has always been basically a back up. I had purchased a big ticket item just to get the high balance noted as such..I was,nt expecting them not to mark recent payment and recent balance different.(Plus them telling me WE dont do that).That shocked me.It felt like they could care less about good accounts as well as bad ones. Hopefully when I pay off the balance on it they will leave the highest ever balance alone and get the rest right.. Thanks frioguy