...in the NY Times (the required registration is well worth it): http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/29/business/29CRED.html?pagewanted=1&th "A doctor in Batavia, Ill. [...] discovered that the interest rate on his MasterCard had nearly tripled, to 16.99 percent from 6.2 percent. Dr. Hajzl asked the card issuer why, noting that he had always paid on time and kept within his credit limit. "The issuer, Bank One, replied that his creditworthiness had somehow changed and that it reserved the right to raise his rate accordingly. The culprit, Dr. Hajzl realized, was the mortgage on his new house." [snip] "While Bank One declined to comment on individual clients, it said that when reviewing a cardholder's other debts, which it does every month, it looked primarily at the appetite for credit. "That is an indication of the future," said Ronald Robine, an executive vice president of Bank One Card Services." More feel-good stories can be found in the article. wajaba