Hi, I realize that most people on this board advocate self-help credit repair. However, I was wondering if their is a decent service out there that actually calls and gets tough settlements with creditors (to delete tradelines), comes up with unique and excellent disputes for the CRAs, etc... Im not talking about a company that just sends out generic disputes to all the CRA's....I realize that those are all rip-offs. Im having a tough time repairing my credit. CA's are validating, and CRAs are refusing to delete!
Lexington Law has "Dispute on Demand." It is something like two or three hundred dollars per dispute per credit bureau. They supposedly bring out the guns for you and go head to head with CRA on whatever dispute you want to focus on. If they can't get it deleted you get your money back.
Disputer? I was thinking of throwing my toughies to Lexington. Can you please elaborate on your comment. Anyone else feel free to jump in before it's too late.
Where are you getting these facts from? ! I am afraid your facts are dead wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disputer is right---Spend 10 minutes RE-SEARCHING Lexington, if you're the type who doesn't want to do this, Lexington is perfect for you.
check out this site, they've helped me get several tradelines deleted and they're FREE...................... www.creditnet.com
Feel free to email me with your mailing address and I will send you a packet of information. You'll like what you see. Good luck! Michael Gibson, President A.C.R.C., Inc. The Attorney Credit Repair Center "We Fix Credit Reports in 45-60 Days" [solicitation contact info removed by Creditnet]
How come this scenario seems to repeat itself time and again? Step 1) Someone presents themselves as relatively new on the discussion board despite the fact that they then ask a question using words that betray a more extensive background understanding of this board's prejudices. Step 2) That person then posts the predictable question about credit repair firms. There are two variations of Step 2: Variation 1: The new person posts a question about a credit repair firm nobody in the world has ever heard of, lol, leaving the rest of us to wonder if that person isn't in fact behind the new credit repair firm. Variation 2: The new person posts a question about an established credit repair firm, which is immediately answered in the negative by predictable others, leaving the rest of us to wonder if this wasn't just a setup for the answerers, cough, cough. Step 3) The same old people answer the question negatively. In fact, some of the anti-Lexington posters seem to only post under such circumstances. You know who you are. This tired game gets played out every week or every other week again and again and again. If it wasn't so irritating, it would be tiresome. Doc P.S. Guerrilla, at least you're just out in the open with your ad. Still, this isn't the forum for credit repair firms to advertise freely. Maybe you should review the Terms of Service.
My sincerest apologizies. I was simply responding to someone's honest request about credit repair companies. I didn't mean to offend anyone, nor violate the terms of this board.
Have you learned anything while on this board? Do you have anything to add or help the members of the board that we are overlooking? Welcome to the board!! Charlie
Thank you, Charlie. Here's a method that we use very effectively. To have items removed from credit reports, we sue the individual creditors, but we do not sue them for money. The relief sought is "only for the permanent removal of information placed in your credit file by the creditor". When they get the lawsuit and see that you're not suing them for any damages (including court costs, attorney fees, etc.), and they realize they will have to hire an attorney to defend said lawsuit, which will cost them hundreds of dollars, 99+% of the time, they will not defend the lawsuit. When they don't, you get a court order that requires information between you and that specific creditor be removed from all CRA's. When that court order is forwarded to the CRA's, they remove it QUICKLY because they are under a court order to do so. There are two times that a creditor will not fight you in regard to neg's...one is when they have a lot to lose and are willing to settle...and the other is when they have nothing to lose by not defending a lawsuit. HTH, Michael
Basically, the same thing that is done here, except that minimum people want their court costs and a little money. Charlie
guerrilla, Your email isn't turned on. Would you email me. I have a question to ask you. Thanks Charlie
Guerrilla, Don't you have to, uh I mean, shouldn't one have a legal basis when filing a lawsuit? If there is a derogatory, but essentially correct, tradeline what is the justification for suing under the credit laws? I realize what can be done and should be done are very different legally. I'm new here and just trying to get my mind around this mass of info in trying to deal with some of my credit issues. Thanks for any info.
Zerodown, Just because there's a derrogatory tradeline that is essentially correct does not mean that the creditor complied with all provisions of the FCRA, etc. A "valid debt" and "complying with all provisions of the FCRA, etc.", are two different issues. In other words, a debt can be valid, according to the law, and can be pursued by a creditor, but that does not mean that they complied with EVERY provision of the FCRA, etc., and if they didn't, the debt may be valid, but the ability for it to be contained in your credit file can still by disputed. HTH, Michael
I'll second that! I think that we should give him a chance instead of trying to run him off. My opinion. Charlie