DH has a dentist that is trying to collect $4000 on an old dental bill. The problem with this bill is that it is for posts and crowns that were never installed in his mouth! The dentist has sent us court papers twice,, but never gone threw with it.. It is now also past the stutue of Limitations. So now the dentist has sent it to a CA... we sent them a debt validation letter, and they sent us a print out of all his history with this dentist... the billing for the posts and crowns is on this printout.. But they arent in DH Mouth! Last year he called and talked to an office manager at the dentist and she said that the crowns and posts were "sent back"... so they know good and well that DH never received them. DH tried to go talk to the dentist about this.. dentist wouldnt see him. The dentist then said that he would call dh at 3pm and talk about it, but he never called. So, how do we keep this CA from reporting it on the credit reports?? How do we get these people to understand once and for all that we really dont want to pay for goods and services that we never received? For $4k you can have quite a nice set of choppers!! THis same CA that the dentist has sent this to has two other med collections that were paid by insurance, and the OC called the CA and said it was a mistake and asked for deletion and the CA said that they would not delete because of this dental bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH So tell me slowly and very plainly,,( I want to make sure I do everything right.. this is alot of money) what should we do.. we already sent the DV letter and they returned the whole history of billing with this dentist.. It is past the SOL and DH never received the posts and crowns... Any advise,, thank you!!
I would advise the CA that they are attempting to collect for services never provided and if they wantto sue - go ahead - because DH and his teeth will be there to prove the dentist never did the work. And I would also tell them taht if THEY don't sue, YOU WILL.
Why were they never installed, and why were they sent back? Were there problems with them, so DH and the dentist never proceeded?