goodwill letter - need help with wo

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Karen, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I got a good sample of a goodwill letter from the letter index. Now I need some help adapting it to my circumstances.

    Here is the background. I had a long established relationship with a bank - checking account, car loans and first mortgage. I got very sick and fell behind on my mortgage. This problem went on for over a year. I had to sell the house to pay off that debt and others. I am starting a new job that pays well and will get back on my feet. The CSR at the bank said they will consider changing their reporting on a case by case basis and I need to write a letter to them concerning the circumstances.

    Everything they are reporting, with one exception, is correct. So I am not asking them to correct mistakes; I am asking them for a favor.

    From June, 2003, to June, 2004, most months reflect 30-60- or 90 days late. On a couple occasions I caught up (borrowing money from friends). and the reports will show current for a month. Then I paid it off in full in June, 2004 when I sold the house (including late fees).

    What exactly do I want them to do? Delete the tradeline entirely? Change all the months to "paid as agreed"? Change the last six months to "paid as agreed"?

    I guess what I am asking is should I give them a multiple choice resolution? Should I ask for only one option and hope they agree with that? Or, what?

    I am aware that FICO likes a recent mortgage reporting. So, it seems like the best answer might be to get them to change the tradeline. But I do not want to take a chance that whatever they change really won"t help me. My goal is to get the credit report cleaned up, one item at a time. And, it appears the time is right for this tradeline.

    Please help me with the wording. Much thanks

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