Goodwilll adjustment addresses

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NancyRN, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. NancyRN

    NancyRN New Member

    To whom should I address a goodwill adjustment letter? I read somewhere that you can get faster results sending it directly to the president of CEO of a company rather than just their credit department. Is that correct? How do you find out who these people are?
  2. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    I can give you my thoughts, but others may have different thoughts. I am not an expert.

    I just sent a goodwill letter. I'm still waiting for a response (it's been about a week) I called the OC and asked who would be the person in charge of handling credit issues. I was given a name, and then to clarify, I asked "So if I have something on my credit report that I want to address with someone who is in a position to be able to actually do something, this would be the person for that?" In my case, it was, so I sent a letter to that person. When you ask for that clarification, it helps the person you're speaking to to be able to direct you to the correct person, when they know exactly what your goal is. (I didn't say i was trying to have something deleted)

    If that doesn't work, I will write to the CEO next, and send him/her a copy of evcerything so far, including the letter I wrote to the 1st person. I've heard they usually can be helpful, but it may depend on the OC and/or type of business, I don't know. But I always think it's a good idea to follow a chain of command kind of thing. I think it may help if the CEO sees you have tried other things before going to him/her.

    For me, if that doesn't work, I will probably try BBB/AG/FTC. I do not intend to stop until i get what I want.
    Good luck.
  3. msthang77

    msthang77 Active Member

    I did a yahoo search of the CEO of First Marin Bank/Credit One, for a goodwill letter to remove a paid account. I addressed to him, and got a letter back from his office. within 30 days the account was removed and got a letter stating they removed it from his office.

    So the best bet is to do a company search, find the person's name and address it to them. CMRRR and ask for a letter back as well stating what action will be taken, in case it doesn't, then you can send that to the CRA.

    If you get no action from the CEO, try BBB/AG/FTC.
    Good luck
  4. NancyRN

    NancyRN New Member

    Thanks for the advice. I found out that the best way to get the name and address of the CEO is to get on the company's website and talk to or email customer service.

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