Ill have to second gibs reply. anybody considering Bk, smoke 'em if you got 'em. LESTX EQ-667 EX-623 TU-580
From what I've seen, there was record voter turnout. So, the 'its sad so few voted' line doesnt work here. I think what happened is (at least in my case) that Republicans saw in the 2000 elections that getting out to vote even though you might think 'your guy' will win your area/state is still important in the grand number scheme. It also doesnt help that Dem's were holding up several key issues that are important to ALL Americans. So, tons of Democrats probably voted, even more so than the last round of mid-terms...but unfortunatly for them..the Republicans did too.
I don't think turnout was great. Most people don't vote. Many of them complain. I however am happy with the election results.
Melissa, not to be antagonistic, but although we have politics to your liking here on the Kansas side of KC, you will find your taxes are considerably more across the board. It will actually cost more to live, from my 5 years of experience living both places. My observation has been that along with corporate greed also came very lenient credit policies that led our nation down the road we are now at. This is a road that started before Bush came to office. What we have had the last year didn't just happen the minute Bush took office, it was begun several years ago in Clinton's term when we had huge growth because of Clinton's policies. I cite MCI as an example, whose lying and cheating began as early as 1998. I think that many democrats are sick of the way democrat politicians have managed this country, and voted Republican. That's why you have states like Georgia, New Hampshire, and North Carolina swinging from Dem to Rep leadership. So perhaps we as citizens looking to improve our credit don't look to ways of reactively searching for ways out of our own cunundrums (which most of us have created ourselves) but look to PRO-actively improve ourselves and credit through credit management and education. It's the age old argument, the death penalty will reduce crime because of the consequences, vs I am a citizen with rights and the world owes me every opportunity. I know there are legit reasons people have bad credit- I am one. Both my wife and I were out of work for almost a year and are still recovering. In most cases it wasn't our fault that we weren't able to pay everything. But then, maybe if I were a little wiser and didn't extend myself so much I could have managed better? I'm not taking the side of big business as I've had my run-ins recently and am happy when I hear of giants falling. However, each of us does have ownership and responsibility to some level.
I think what happened was voters were turned off by the Democrat's extreme bad taste of turning what was supposed to be a memorial service into a blatant political rally. Gib
Yeppers, That and the filthy NJ, Torrecelli/Loutenburg trick. They energized our base for us with their contempt for the rule of law and abject absense of class during the Wellstone Memorial/Rally. Not only that but many would be liberal voters probably stayed home out of shame. But who's complaining. (now if we could just get them all deported to Berkeley, we'd be in great shape) LOL
Spare us the political rhetoric. both Democrats and Republicans alike are all crooks, who care more about reelection and political kickbacks, than they do about the welfare of the people. (name one congressperson who hasn't recieved money from a PAC) the last "politician" who cared more about doing what was right for the country and its people in EVERY instance was Lincoln. He was a republican, but at the time, republicans were considered LIBERALS then. let the flaming begin.
Personally, as a Republican who is slowly being converted to Libertarianism (thanks to Neal Boortz), I found it hilarious that the democrat's best candidates for 2 senate slots were ancient. At least only one got in. I believe the average age of Fritz (20 something percent prime rate, 13 electorate vote winner vs. Reagan LOL, horrible choice) Mondale, and Lautenberg is 76 years old. I mean, come on. These guys spend more time per day changing their depends diapers than anything else. How long could they possibly hold office? ( I know, Strom should have been ousted years ago) The democratic party really needs to find some young leadership that is willing to accept the fact that the people who work and pay income tax do not want to transfer money to people who do not. Scaring grandma and grandpa to thinking that republicans want to take their savings away (social security) doesn't work either. That was proved this election. Socialized medicine would be the biggest disaster one could imagine, and thank god it was crushed in Oregon. I am against the BK reform. If and when it does pass, i suggest classes started as early as High School and mandatory classes in college to show how the credit system works and the devastating effect it can have on your life if you choose to over extend yourself in debt. Interesting viewpoint from Neal Boortz's home page. If you are interested in reading up check out....He is a Libertarian, and I think many Republican's are as well without even knowing it.
Yeah. Like Nuclear secrets channeled through Loral Aerospace to the Chinese Communists in exhange for gobs of cash to the last pair of crooks that people still want to make saints out of.
Puhhleaze. The Commerce Department starts publishing honest numbers for the first time in eight years, and everyone wants to shoot the messenger. Puhhleaze. WorldComm and Enron weren't the only ones cooking the books in the 90's.
Oh my, no doubt. Loral was already under investigation for this. By our esteemed president giving them his ok, it nullified any charges that may have been brought. On the other hand, I can't say as I'm enthralled with the Republican Party right now either, but at least they aren't Democrats. We may see Libertarians on the rise as a viable third party in the not-so-distant future. Gib