GOP takes Senate

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by gracie, Nov 5, 2002.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    All you LEFT-WING LIBERALS still have a lot of BUDDIES in NEW YORK and WASHINGTON DC.
  2. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    That site cracks me up. It's a shame most liberals who would benefit from this hilarious website can't read well enough to understand it. I guess that is the fault of the "ultra rich" corporate machine, the Republican party.

    Boy the leading Democrat trial lawyers sure do have the public fooled. Anyone have any idea how much money these scumbuckets have? I bet they hang out and have a beer with their gardener's, housekeepers, and plumbers every day. They are just your every day citizen looking out for the little guy. Gimme a break.

    Thanks for the laugh of the day, but I would have to say that a much more idiotic site is...

    I go there to constantly remind myself and others to vote.
  3. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    Forgot to say,,,,Welcome Back George:)
  4. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but after us right wing radicals get finished starving all the little school kids and pushing granny off the end of the pier, what will do for fun?
  5. Gregory

    Gregory Well-Known Member

  6. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't fret too much over the BK bill just yet.

    Yes, GOP has Senate but not by much. What are the numbers? 51 or so?

    Its still gridlock in D.C. You need more than these numbers to get things done.

    Just keep buying put options on extreme upticks like today just after 2:15 p.m. and you'll be free in no time!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    YES, I know about STARVING THE SCHOOL KIDS!!! Cut the budget~instead of (example) $17,000,000 INCREASE for school lunches~~~the INCREASE is only $12,000,000~~~CLINTON AND HIS CRONIES CALLED THAT A $5,000,000 CUT~~~BUT THE "INCREASE" IS CUT!!! THEY STILL ARE GETTING $12,000,000 MORE THAT THEY DIDN'T GET LAST YEAR!!!

  8. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Clintion and his cronies had lots of problems... like sending a $2 million missle into a $10 tent to hit a camel in the behind.....

    "look Hillary, I really showed 'em who'se boss!! he he"
  9. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't think that people are getting rich off of welfare. If there is anything we are giving money to it is to those who don't want to pay taxes in the corporate world. There is more corporate welfare than social welfare could even come close to.

    What is wrong with having a general health care program? We rank near the bottom in the world as far as those who have access to health care but spend more than anyone in the world on that health care. That means that some underdeveloped countries have a better system than we do.

    Also, if I understand history correctly, social security was meant to help during retirement, not to be the retirement. We are supposed to have retirement taken care of ourselves. But, people have put into this social security and the politicians keep dipping into it which the republicans said they wouldn't do but are doing or at least about to.

    Personally, I think that there is really only one party with 2 varying degrees. We have billionaires in office, who happen to be republican ;-D , and yet we wonder why average citizens get the shaft. Real people who can change things in the country don't have the money to run for office.

    I think that both parties need more young people in office but the sad truth is that more old people vote and so politicians are always going to pander to them, unfortunately. Unless younger people vote more, there will never be a different result.

    Just my 2 cents! lol

  10. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I am cracking up over here!!!!

  11. Melissa

    Melissa Well-Known Member

    Milkmom, I totally agree with you.
    The only one getting rich and thriving off health care is the insurance companies who sit back and raise rates every year claiming they have to and watching poor americans with no health care coverage suffer:( Something needs to be done and if it isn't a universal socialized medical system, it has to be a cap on insurance companies from rate increases. It is getting to be about 60% every year and soon most businesses will not be able to afford health care coverage or the out of pocket to their employees will be so high, that it won't be worth it.
    It is a lose/lose situation. People are afraid of huge tax increases to cover healthcare but then don't think about the fact that they will still have to pay huge premiums, deductibles, copays and out of pocket yearly maximums.
    Oh and one more thing, insurance companies get to decide how much and what they get to write off on every claim they get. But if an uninsured person comes to the hospital, gets treatment, gets his bill, he doesn't get to look at his bill and write off 60% of it. He has to pay all of it or be sued and have trashed credit and depression triggering the cycle all over again.
    As far as education goes, I worry more about art, music and other extra curricular areas being cut back on to fund a tax break or the war. Art, music, foreign languages, nice libraries, physical education are really important and shouldn't be disregarded as a way to save money.
    On some of the other big subjects, if Roe vs. Wade goes up in flames, this country will really be in for it:(
    Oh and another thing I have noticed, when I was growing up during the Reagan Era, I was always terrified of nuclear war, after Reagan, things calmed down and my fears went away especially during Clinton's terms, now Bush is president and I am once again fearful of nuclear and now of course biological warfare. Funny huh?
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    You MUST go to your assigned doctor, you don't like HIM/HER, TUFF!!! Want to go to somebody else and pay CASH instead of working with the CLINTON INSURANCE PROGRAM??? Both you and the doctor could go to JAIL!!!

    They also have some CANADA medical program that forces everybody to go to the U.S.A. for medical care...(SOCIALIZED MEDICINE).
  13. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    If it were up to the Republican Party, we would have no FDCPA, no FCRA, no consumer-friendly FTC (and for that matter, probably no FTC at all). There is no business, including CAs, that the Republican party does not regard as hallowed ground, with the possible exception of strip clubs and abortion clinics. And given that strip clubs evade about 80% of their valid taxes by laundering cash, they're probably good Republicans, too.

    It will be nice to see what happens over the next two years now that the Republicans can't use their perennial excuse that the Democrats got in the way. They have a long row to hoe, too, now that everyone has their 0% car and their refinanced house. Wonder where the money is going to come from to get the economy started again?

    Oh, I forgot. War is always good for business. What a coincidence that we're about to get into one.

    hehehe, I love being dogmatic, it's so much fun
  14. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    OMIGOD, you were terrified of nuclear war growing up in the Reagan era? Who do you think was responsible for the fall of the Berlin wall or the break up of the Soviet Union?

    Of course your buddy Clinton really made me feel secure with all the outflow of our nuclear and missile technology to China. Give me a freaking break.

  15. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    But George, that is how it is now with HMOs. One better not dare go out of network or else. We have to go to the doctors that our health plan covers. These doctors have too many patients and even if they cared and didn't want the bonuses that HMOs give them for giving each patient only 8 minutes of their precious time and trying new designer drugs on us and for not referring us to doctors who can help, their income is reduced if they actually do their job of finding out what ails us.

    Health care in this country was bad long before Clinton showed up.

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  17. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    Gib, you forgot to mention Clinton's wonderful job with NORTH KOREA. And Jimbo Carter won a Nobel Peace prize....what a load of crap.
  18. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Reagan gave weapons to get the hostages back in the 80s after he was elected for his first term. That was the whole reason that Carter wasn't reelected; he wouldn't give weapons for life.

  19. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    Are you by chance implying that Jimmy Carter was a good president?

    Good lord i hope not.
  20. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member



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