Got 2nd Citi Card with 603 score!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Aug 5, 2001.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member


    I just posted the following mesasge:"Anyways. Try the AAdvantage (not world, not platinum). The standard old plain jane card. I don't want to dig up the old AAdvantage thread/issue again. But it appears to still be alive :) Right roni?"

    You need to read a little more careful. Everybody - apply for the AAdvantage plain jain silver card. Its the easiest citibank (non-student) card to approve.

    You can simple change the card after you get it. There's no reason to apply for a harder card, and take the chance on denial, when you will get the same product in the end :)
  2. PuuOoPaul

    PuuOoPaul Well-Known Member

    Bummer. I called this a.m. and was told that I was declined for the Platinum Select (not the AA). I was told that they pulled Equifax and would of had no problem with approval had I not had so many inquiries (about 10 in last 7 months). That's 10 declines. I only have a Sears card. Looks like this credit thing may not happen til next year. Oh well.

  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Look at it this way, if you can keep off applying you will have that card soon!

    next time apply for the AAdvantage silver card, you probably would have gotten it, inquiries or not.

    i have 95 inquiries on my efx report, 20 in the past 6 months, if that tells you something.
  4. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Out of those 95 inquiries how many did you get approved for?

    Just curious.
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Heh. about 15 charge accounts. I'm at about hmm. 1.4 years of credit recovery from complete crap.

    I have about 15,000 in credit now. Been a long ride, i feel pretty satisfied with my credit lines, and will begin reducing /BT closing some soon.

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