Got a letter from TU today....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by monamour, Aug 31, 2002.

  1. monamour

    monamour Well-Known Member

    It says...

    Need additional information

    We are currently investigating the bankruptcy and/or your acconts included in the bankruptcy.To expedite this investigation,please send us copies of the discharge paper for the bankruptcy and the list or schedule of creditors included in your bankruptcy.

    Yes , I am a newbie, but the one thing that I learned here is to never send them the BK papers.

    What should I do next? I disputed a bunch of items , now they have one week left to complete and they are sending me this.

    No, I won't send TU the BK papers, but now what?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Send them a letter detailing what you charge per hour for doing their work for them? hehehe.
  3. monamour

    monamour Well-Known Member

    That's funny.
    But seriously now, what should I do?
  4. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Let them know that your dispute included all the info required to process it, that you're under no obligation to prove anything other than your identity, and that they're required by law to complete their investigation within 30 days.

  5. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    I SECOND THAT, I am so sick of them, trying to sucker us into doing their work and screwing ourselves in the process.
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Personally I would not respond at all. It seems from other people's posts that any contact with TU during a dispute period will extend the investigation anywhere from 15 to 30 days.

    Like others said...that's their job, not yours.

  7. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    1. If you send them anything during the dispute period it extends their time limit from 30 to 45 days

    2. If you send them your bk papers it saves them $50 when they order the papers

    3. They won't order the papers.. they'll likely arbitrarily verify/ delete/ update on a whim...

    4. If you send them bk papers... they may ADD negatives off your paperwork

    5. If you send them the paperwork... you have little to no leg to stand on in future bk related disputes

    6. This is an interesting letter in that it confirms they need more info... so we'll see if they bother to get it... and you know they won't...

    if they confirm info that's incorrect it shows they didn't do their jobs b/c clearly they needed more info to reinvestigate properly... if they have a week left... do they really have time to order your bk info and receive it? I'd doubt it... and if you ever need to sue them... it would really call into question why they'd wait so long to even start to get more info about the bk.. and whether or not they could get it in time...even if later they say they ordered your bk papers... also, you might be able to confirm/ deny they ordered/ didn't your paperwork...


    Save that letter :) It could be gold later ;)
  8. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    OT --- hi marie
    one of the legends has returned!!!
    nice to see you back (although i wasn't around when you left) :)

  9. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Never left ;) I'm just posting less... studying for the LSAT and applying to law schools :)

    and yes, I will do a lot of consumer law (esp. credit related cases)... I would like to be one of the "BIG 3" FCRA/ FDCPA attys within the next 5-7 years...

    I think making a living off suing RMA, Eq, Exp, and TU would be lovely ;) and once you get a name for yourself... they start settling quicker b/c they know you'll take them to court and win...

    And it would be easy. The only real thing that changes within these lawsuits is the chronology... the violations tend to be the same over and over and over again... I am now seeing credit bureaus as "Cash Cows" :)

    maybe I'll publish a book
    "Suing Credit Bureaus and Collection Agencies for Fun and Profit"
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Only if she applies to NYU law!

  11. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    NYU is very difficult to get into ;) But if you can swing it for me.. I'll go there and change from the sweet Southerner I am into a Yankee!!!.. I probably need to get tougher anyway to be a lawyer :)

    My grades are interesting.. I had fun in undergrad and only got around 3.0 but have a 3.88 and 3.65 in an MS and then an MBA so I'm not sure how those grades get averaged out... I've been told they look more heavily at undergrad so I have to blow away the LSAT so I am going to do just that ;)

    I am just now looking into which schools... I take the LSAT Oct 5 and that will help determine where I can get into... I'm doing Kaplan online so that should help ;)

    Nat'l average is 151 on LSAT and my first practice test (real LSAT just old version) was 154 and I haven't seen a standardized test in over 7 years so I thought I'd bombed it... felt better that my brain isn't completely dead yet...anyway, I'm going for btn 165-170 LSAT so I'm working on the logic games today...

    I am trying to find an internship in Atlanta with a firm that does consumer law... not many here :) but I may also leave the state and go to LSU (I have very good family contacts in La who are alumni) and then maybe I could intern with Szwak :) in Shreveport ;)... and I'm only half kidding here ;)

    If any of the attys here have any advice, I'll take it ;)))
  12. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    You're sweet ;) Only if we use CA and CRA lawsuit money.. that way I can say I got an EquifaxExperianTU scholarship....... lol

    Let's see if I can first get into a law school... 2000 applicants on average for 200 spots.. ugh... the MBA was easier ;)
  13. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Shoot girl. With your southern charm, you could charm the pants off any New Yorker. Best i could do is write you a letter of recommedation for NYU. (don't worry, i write much gooder than i do on this board.) Have in-laws in Atlanta, but none of them are lawyers.
    Screw the LSATs! Show them your practical experience in lawsuits. You've already done what they're trying to teach you.

  14. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I actually wasn't sure if I should put that in my essay or not.... I am having lunch with my atty next week (he went to one of the schools I'm considering) and he is going to help me with essays and who to get for rec's.... I've been out of school long enough that I hesitate to dig up old MBA professors... but I may have to try :) I've been told they like a professor and an employer for rec's... but they understand it's difficult to find old prof's after a while ( I still know one from undergrad b/c we became friends but again... undergrad prof? Grad Prof? ugh..._) I thought when I got the MBA I had enough diplomas...

    but I'm just tired of not being taken seriously simply b/c I don't have the JD... so... ok... I'll get one ;)

    I have an appellate court judge who will write a rec for me (and he's an ex state rep) but I don't know if an ex-politician is good or not ;)
  15. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Wait 'til you finish all that and have to take the bar exam.
    Even JFK Jr. failed 3 times, but then again he went to NYU.

  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Hey Marie,
    Knowing what I do, I'm sure you will have absolutely no problem accomplishing anything you set your mind to. You've already got more "consumer law" experience than most lawyers, even won a "long distance" assisted lawsuit. LOL Best of luck. You'll do fine.
  17. monamour

    monamour Well-Known Member



    Thanks for your answer.

    I won't send them anything right now,I will post again when their time is up.

  18. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    What is the dispute?
  19. invisible

    invisible Member

    Dear Marie

    I would like to ask u a question of you don't mind.
    Have you succesfully sued one of the cra's? If so would you be willing to explain in detail for me how you did this as I would like to initiate a lawsuit myself but am unaware as to how to conduct a successful campaign aganist them.
    My email is
    Thank you for your time.
  20. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    yes... but I can't give specifics for several reasons.

    1. I took specific steps to not file in Ga so I wouldn't get a "we know you post on Creditnet" email...
    2. Nondisclosure agreement...
    3. I don't give legal advice... not a lawyer ;)

    but, we've posted sample lawsuits (and lawsuits actually filed here) so if you're just looking for a template... you can get some good ones off here (or look up cases in US District then get the original complaint filed)... I did that and it really helped me understand exactly what was being violated and how to write it up.

    As for a successful campaign against them... that's easy. They make so many mistakes that you only need to deal with them (usually) and they'll give you lovely material for a lawsuit... I did a list of possible violations somewhere here... I did it so I could either look for what they'd already done or to try and get them to do one... which they did as well.

    TU, for example, doesn't even mark items "in dispute" as being in dispute... how they are a national bureau is beyond me ;)

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