I got Aria to lower my APR to 16.99%, still high but a far cry from the 23.99% I was paying. I went over my limit by 6 bucks due to fees and the fact htey won't let you make an online payment if you are within 3 days of blling cycle. I got close to the limit because of christmas. I always pay the full balance right after I chrage but they won't let you pay on your account online within 3 days of your billing cycle. Anyway I'm please with the 16.99, it's still not the 9.99 I pay on my other cards, but I'll get them down there eventually.
How?? I've tried at least twice and I am always unsuccessful. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you had their card?
3 days of billing cycle? What do you mean you can't make a payment 3 days before your due date? or 3 days just after the cycle hits? I don't understand... please clarify. And what # did you call to get the decrease in APR? They told me that APR was totally nonnegotiable.
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? Yes I am confused as well, I pay my aria online and have never had trouble paying 3 days before the due date I normally schedule before 3 days but there were a few times I came close, and with quick pay feature it posts the next day?? Mom
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? I have had an Aria card for 4 months and they told me they can't lower the APR
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? Sounds like a way to GUARANTEE a late fee if they won't let you pay on-line 3 days before due date!!!
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? I'm not sure if it is a full 3 days, but it is at least 1-2 days. I have had the same problem paying online when it is close to the end of my billing cycle. I could understand the day the cycle ends, (as they have to create the bill) but 2-3 days is too many. It doesn't bother me too much as I always make it a habit to pay on my credit cards at least twice during the month.
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? S.D:I have had the card since 10-2000. MOM3:Not 3 days before the due date but 3 days around the billing date Marie:I called to close the account siting the limit was too low. I informed that that I had othetr accounts with high limits and better terms. I travel a lot and can't do anything with this card. I went through the limit 3 times in Dec and January(meaning I charge 90% of the limit paid it off that week and repeated). I want to close the account. They transferred me to a manager who explained I didn't get a limit increase because of being $6 over the limit. I explained to her that I tried to pay online around the billing time and was not allowed, thus creating the over the limit amount. She then offered me the 16.99% APR. She informed me in 30 days they would offer me a limit increase. George: You have to be the most negative person on this board.
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? George: You have to be the most negative person on this board. WHAT???? SORRY FOR HELPING...
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? SORRY, AGAIN FOR HELPING, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY~ NO O.T., MARCH I will go back to my 80 hours so I will keep my help to people who want it... I don't have to be here...
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? "Sounds like a way to GUARANTEE a late fee if they won't let you pay on-line 3 days before due date!!!" How is that helping?
Re: 3 days of billing cycle? George: If it means anything at all I appreciate your help. You've helped me out many times. Dani