Got BofA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anna, May 15, 2002.

  1. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I applied for DH on Friday and have been checking the status every 5 minutes since then, but it was always pending, making me think there was a chance, but preparing for the denial let-down. Then all of a sudden there it was, Approved! Wow! Anyways, this is the first decent card we've gotten, so I'm "Prime Ignorant." My questions are; I transferred two balances; $950 and $650.I'm assuming this amount will come off of my available credit right from the get-go. Correct? Also, the limit is $7400, and the rate is 11.9. Not that I'm planning to do this, but if the card was maxed-out, what would the minimun mounthly payment be?
    Thanks to everyone on this board. If I hadn't found you, I'd still be sitting on the couch wishing the credit fairy would come visit me. I'm so EXCITED!!!
  2. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Do tell, what were the scores? Do you know what they pulled?
  3. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    They pulled TU. Hubby's score is 697.
  4. ble103

    ble103 Well-Known Member

    You're minimum payment would be $162.80 if you was to max out the card.They reqire 2.2% minimum due.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Did you get 4.75% BT or 8.90% BT or WHAT????
  6. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I don't know yet, GEORGE. Can someone answer my dumb question#1?

    PS GEORGE - Don't worry. I'm sure I won't get anything better than what you have! :)
  7. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    I have experience w/ those kinds of balances. With that rate and balance the minimum would be around $130-$150/mo. I had those balances on my citibank w/ similar interest rate.

    You are right your transfers will come off the available and dont forget transfer fees if they apply here.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    BT'S come off the available credit immediately...
  9. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Thank You Roni! By the way, my tooth that my dentist tells me there's nothing wrong with is still hurting!
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I hope you didn't pay "UP-TO" $50.00 BT FEE (each)...
  11. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    And thank you GEORGE!
  12. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't care if I did. I'd save more in the long run.
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  14. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    this may be mean professionally, but ask your dentist is it possible that you have "cracked tooth syndrome". Tell em you read it off the internet somewhere.......LOL ...If he says "huh? or what's that? RUN! HA!
  15. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Are you setting me up? Cause I'll do it! Just want to know ahead of time.
  16. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    No. sorry if it appeared that way.

    Cracked tooth Syndrome is a common diagnosis for teeth that appear normal but the patient experiences pain.

    This may be accurate diagnosis for your complaint.

    There are methods to diagnosis this condition. It is a very frustrating condition for the dentist and the patient.

    I was serious that you should ask the dentist. Pain can come from the gums also. I assume that you really have pain (because you said it hurts) and not just sensitivity.

    Sensitive teeth sometimes is something that cant be treated non-invasively except w/ sensodyne. If you are really talking about senitive teeth invest in some sensodyne or another high fluoride toothpaste or rinse.

    good luck!
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I have a large filling...bottom right rear...last tooth that is sensitive...SENSODYNE works...he says if I have major PAIN...he probably should pull it...
  18. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    pull it? why not root canal? Are you chicken George?
  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  20. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    LOL!!! I heard that, GEORGE! You and me both! :)

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