Got Citibank-Washington Mutual Visa

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jr, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I found a way for people to get into Citibank with a prior Bankruptcy. I applied for the Washington Mutual Visa card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota and got approved with a 16% APR, $35 annual fee. Credit line equals the amount of your deposit $300 min, $5000 max and after 18 months the account gets reviewed for unsecured status. My bk is about 5 years old and I also included Citibank in the bk. I am surprised I got approved !!! I got this card because I had recently closed out my FCNB mastercard because my APR was 24.9%
    Associates National Bank use to own the Washington Mutual portfolio but now Citibank is issuing the cards.
    The terms are decent compared to Providian or other banks. The best part is that I can now start building a financial relationship once again with Citibank which is a prime lender.
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member


    I ditched out on:
    1. universal bank $2000
    2. Associates visa $2000

    I have:
    Citibank SD Radio Shack $1000
    Citibank Platinum select $25K


    They aren't really merged banks yet. They may be using the same name and all but their records aren't merged..

    If you can register at and use the same old system then i guess it truly is a citibank prime card :)
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    congrats jr!
    I bank at WAMU and noticed the card change - good info as I did the same in the past..

    I might go for it - but don't you have to get a paper application?

    THX for any info - dogman
  4. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Hi Dogman !! Yes it is a paper application for the secured card. It took about 27 days to get the card after I mailed in the application. Sharp looking card. I also bank at Wamu and have been very happy with them so far. I started with a $100 overdraft protection and now it is at $1000 and I have never used it. This Washington Mutual Visa secured card has better terms than the FCNB Mastercard that I just recently canceled. The FCNB had a $49 annual fee and APR at 24.9 % My new Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank has a $35 annual fee and APR of 16.05%
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Hi Sam, I can register at
    On the website it says " Your Washington Mutual Card is issued by Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. a member of the Citigroup family of companies". I talked to a customer service rep and he told me all the recently opened accounts are now online. The old accounts from Associates National Bank may not be online yet.
  6. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Hello Everyone ,

    Can you tell me what CRA citibank pulls from , also for the Washington Mutual Secured card is it ok if I have a couple collection accounts from 2 years ago . Has anyone with kinda bad credit every recieved a secured card .

    thank you,
  7. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Yeah the secured card is ready made for damaged credit. If you put up the money, you shouldn't have any problems getting because it's secured by your deposit......
  8. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I got this info from the paper application regarding the criteria for the Washington Mutual secured card.
    -Be 18 years old with valid social security number.
    -Fill out the application completely and accurately.
    -Send in deposit of at least $300
    -Make sure your payments are up-to-date on all your existing accounts (including taxes) and that any judgments are discharged.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Is "WASHINGTON MUTUAL" being bought by CITIBANK or do they just issue their credit cards like MCCBG does WAL*MART, JC PENNEYS, and others???
  10. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Citibank just issues the Washington Mutual visa card.

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