So my boss comes over to me today around 2 or so, a couple of people had been in and out of his office and he said "got a minute," so I sit there like i am going to have a lot of minutes come next week! anyway i got laid off today. Dont know what I am going to do or how I am going to do it. got home and there was a discover card. I applied beginning of May they pulled my TU with a score of 701 which was great so I was thinking i would get a nice limit! Well then they called me at work last week to verify information and they pulled my EQ and at the time my score was 644 for some very stupid reason because nothing has changed and now I have a 676, the same store I had two weeks ago! i filled out a platinum application because they sent it to me over and over and over again (ended up with classic) My limit is only 1500 bucks, but i have 0% until 12/02 How long do I have to wait before i can ask for an increase? how are they with increases?
Laray: I am sorry to hear that you got laid off. I know how it is. I was laid off for almost six months before I landed a new job because the market in New York was so bad. But the economy is picking up or so they say. Anyway what I wanted to tell you is please do not be tempted to go using that card. Do not get yourself in debt it is just not worth the hassle as everyone on this board knows I'm sure. When I was laid off I decided to pursue my passion and I ended up opening a bookstore online. I found a job shortly thereafter. Just try to pour your energy it to something you love and take this time to do something constructive. Good Luck All the best, robin
Sorry about your layoff. The first you need to do. Is update your resume - highlighting your skills and accomplishments - depending of what type of work your looking for you will have more than 1. I have about 7 different resumes. Then start networking. Think of friends, co-workers, family members, alumni assoc., neighbors - just about anyone who could give you a possible job lead. You should spend about 25 hours/wk on your job search. I work at a public career center and alot people really don't have a clue. So read all the online stuff, look in the newspaper, but 80% of jobs are found from "who you know". I quite sure you already know this but I thought I would refresh your memory. Congrats. on the Discover, they wouldn't give me one.
I have been updating my resume because I have been looking for a position for quite a while, then the layoffs started to hit really hard, it was "well we dont plan on laying off any supervisors or corporate office people" then all teh suddenly yesterday I had four terminations for supervisors and I just knew whose jobs were coming next. The bright side is that I wont have to spend over 100 bucks on toll and gas as it took my 90 minutes to get home at night and 60 to get there....the catch I am in HR and i honestly didnt think if I was laid off it would be so sudden (especially since we had an admin meeting last week and it seemed like office jobs would be ok for at least another couple of weeks) got called into the at 230 and then found out yesterday would be my last day....but I am sure everyone here knows parent companies are a bitch. Anyway, i originally got the discover card because I have a Getsmart visa and I also got the going up to 30 f-in percent interest thing last month and I wanted to just transfer my balance on to the discover at 0% interest. I dont plan to run it up or anything. I updated all my resumes online and everything, the HR market is very very tight now. Unemployment I believe is 60% of base pay and when my base pay already sucked, its going to be scary seeing an unemployment check, especially since I moved into my house like 10 days ago, have a 9 month old current year car and am getting married in September....oh well, such is life.
wow unemployment is 60% ??? Is this a state by state thing because here unemployment is like $300/week tops!!!
Laray, be careful about using that card, since you got laid off right when you got it. I'm no legal eagle, but if things go south, it could have fraud implications, depending on the dates.
it will work out Laray - don't you hate mergers and parent companies - think of those dogs at HP/Compaq - does anybody really think Compaq will keep making computers? You know HP staff will be retained. It will be OK - dogman
I know, i dont plan to use the card, only to transfer balances off of my 30% interest aria card. but honestly it will be tempting, but anyway I spent the past two years of my life trying to dig myself out of the hole of debt I put myself in when i was in college and dont intend on doing that again. Unemployment here is 60% with a max weekly of 475. That will put me in the 200 range per week after taxes and that really sucks. I worked out of state (PA) does anyone know if I can file in NJ or do I have to go to PA to file? Thanks everyone
I'm thinking you could file in NJ and then they would do an interstate claim. I believe it goes by place (state) of employment rather than place (state) of residence. I think you would get paid under state of PA amounts rather than NJ because that's where you paid into it. I could be very wrong. But on the little I know about UC benefits and what tid-bits I pick-up at work, I think that's how it works. I'm also thinking they (NJ & PA) have their own rules because of the tri-state area. Alot of people work out of state up there. You should be able to find out online and file online. I know for sure you can in FL. The website for FL is - maybe they have links to other states. Sorry, I can't help more. I really feel for you because I deal with this everyday at work.
They can tell you at your local unemployment office - probably a phone call will do it. Get your claim in because if it is like VA, there is a waiting period before you get a check.
I was collecting unemployment (maximun in CA is $320/wk and you got a check every 2 weeks) and I think there was a one week period you had to wait before you got your benifits. I found this out because I called the DAY I got laid off (2/1) and I received a check for $320 (not $640) with an explaniation of the 1 week waiting period or whatever. After that I got $640 every 2 weeks which basically paid my rent. I also got like 4 months severance as well. I hung out for like a month (I was actively looking) then ended up getting a job through the temp agency. So, I would get with the local temp agencies in your area. A lot of companies are contracting people nowadays.
wow most states consider severance as pay, thus they substract your severance against the $320/wk.. i need to move to better state i guess..
I would love to have four months severance! But I got one week....I had 14 days of vacation this year because I carried four from last year, well now since they are on this save money accrual kick, they paid me for two days! WTF! I didnt say much before I left, I gathered my stuff and then once I got home and thought about what happened, i thought the company was as shady as shady gets....big people always will have to eat, to hell with us little guys. I read online that if you live in NJ, and work out of state, you can not file online. The office is about 10 minutes from there so I plan to go tomorrow, hopefully everything works out! Thanks everyone!
hint: show up an hour early, eat your breakfast, go to the bathroom, bring a drink, and pack your lunch. if its anything like the ones down here, its like an 8 hour ordeal..
You may need your W-2s and recent paycheck stubs too. So bring those with you. You may need to prove that you worked there and you paid for unemployment benefits, especially if this company is as shady as you think.
no doubt bring documentation showing you were laid off, all forms of id (dl,ssn), etc etc. would suck to stand in line for hours on end. I think you can find some gov sites that might tell you what to bring, good idea to read them over first!!!
In CA all you have to do is call the 800 number and you can file over the phone (takes 15 minutes). Or you can go to the unemployment web site and download the application and fax it. It's a real streamlined process. And here they don't count severance as current income so I was able to collect both! ;-)