You started a credit repair forum and don't know about Vantage Scores? Not very good advertising for your site is it?
Received mine two days ago: 721 Your Risk Grade is: C (Prime) Range of possible credit scores: 501-990 Your credit score ranks higher than 44% of U.S. consumers Key factors that adversely affected your credit score, in the order of their importance based on their effect on your credit score: Presence of a bankruptcy (Code 91) No usable real estate accounts (Code: 50) Too many open bankcard accounts (Code BB) <I have 7> Sum of balances on bankcard accounts is too high (Code BN) <2 just got paid way down> Number of inquiries was also a factor, but effect was not significant (Code Q0)
One thing that I don't get is how the big 3 compare notes to formulate this new number. I have a BK7 that was deleted from my TU, but still shows on EX and EQ. So it seems that they go with 'majority rules' as far as information goes??
You should get a different score from each CRA, since they each have different data to put into the model.