Got Pre-Approved CC Offers?...How?!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BurnaDebt, Mar 24, 2002.

  1. BurnaDebt

    BurnaDebt Well-Known Member

    My scores are not high:

    EQ 532
    EX 510
    TU 522

    But I've seen postings here where people with lower scores are receiving pre-approved credit card offers.

    Can you share with us at what scores you're getting these pre-approved offers. And what do you have to do to receive them?
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    My scores

    TU 585/ eloan 617
    EXP 627
    EQ ?? - haven't checked in a while

    BEFORE: ?? was too scared to check reports for years

    I receive pre-approved offers for Orchard all the time. I got Cap1 and Premier through pre-approved offers along time ago- I KNOW my scores stunk then. I think, for the subprimes at least, once you carry one of these cards then you get on the mailing list and start receiving offers for the others. Can't say for sure...
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The credit card companies request lists of names from the cra's that fit whatever criteria they are looking for. Such as, a list of people that have scores between 550 - 600 and have no major derogs or chargeoffs. Then the cra's give them a list of names and they send the offers out.
  4. BurnaDebt

    BurnaDebt Well-Known Member

    Thanks LKH. But that part of the process I understand. What I'm looking for is what exact score-range or other criteria are the CC companies looking for.

    The reason I ask the question is that I've seen numerous postings on this list from people who indicate they are receiving pre-approved CC offers, and yet their stated scores are sometimes over 100 points lower than mine. What gives?

    EX 532
    EX 522
    TU 510
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The score range you are asking for is impossible to know. If other people with scores in the 4 - 500 range are getting preapprovals, they are getting the sub-sub prime offers like cross country bank, 1st national bank of marin, the future card and probably preapprovals for secured cards.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    The there is GEORGE..."ALREADY APPROVED CAPITAL ONE GOLD CARD"~~~$325-$3,250 with a $72.00 FEE...

    I haven't got ANY pre-approved/pre-selected for any bank except CAPITAL ONE for more than a year...
    LOWEST F.I.C.O. 685
  7. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    All depends.
    I got Cap 1 pre-approved with no annual fee $300.00 limit in 5/2000.
    My scores were low and I had charge-offs.

    I had recieved a Providian card the month before so that got the ball rolling.

    Seems once someone gives you a card they all do.

    But now the economic climate is much different. CCC's seem to be much more conservative now.
    Seems harder to get cards. Perhaps Providians shake-out made other companies leary of us subs.

    If you have a credit union they may be able to give you a secured card to get the ball rolling. My credit union gives them for $500-$2500.

    Once you have a line of active credit they should start to appear.

    I also had previous great credit with many of the better companies. I still have them on my reports.
  8. BurnaDebt

    BurnaDebt Well-Known Member

    I do have a $200 Kmat CAP 1 that they gave me 9 months ago, but no more offers.
  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I used to get all the subprime offers weekly. As my credit started to improve and my scores got higher, the offers slowed. Now I get none. I have a Cap one Gold that is a little over 1 year old and they just sent me a preapproval for a Kmart gold mc. That is the first offer I've had in months. The cards I've received in the past few months were due to my applying myself. Besides, preapproval doesn't guarantee you'll get the card anyway.
  10. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    The same for me. I used to received providian and others subprime issuers offers. Currently my scores are over 700 and there is no offers anymore!!.
  11. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member


    Nothing more from Cap 1? I didnt take the k-mart card from them. I had my classic for 18 months before anymore started coming. Then orchard started mailing and more Cap one offers for toy platinum.

    My derogs were old maybe 4 years and beyond.
    How about yours? What are you circumstances?
  12. Mike2

    Mike2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Got Pre-Approved CC Offers?...H

    I just got approved for a Platinum Card from Cap1. I've had the base card now for almost two years. They didn't tell me what I was getting for a limit, I hope it's at least more than my base card which has $600. I had to complain a LOT to get that, originally only got $200.
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Got Pre-Approved CC Offers?...H

    Burnadebt, sign up for some know...through websites and stuff. Once you start getting a lot of junk mail in your mail box from Dell, Victorias Secret, Delias, LandsEnd...all those mailers that are so annoying, you will start finding your offers. At least that's how it worked for me.


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