Got Target Guest

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mommy2cats, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Sort of a half-hearted woo-hoo....

    I applied online for Target Visa and didn't get that but I did get a Target Guestcard. Very low limit - only $200.

    Well, at least it's a start! My EQ is at 657. It's mostly clean now except I have some lates on my Ford car loan and they won't come off (have tried every which way but white-out)

    Basically I have a very "thin" file now - Ford was my only open account. Guess I should be happy to get the Guestcard. I figure I can use it and build up some credit and then go for a Visa down the road. Am considering joining a credit union and then applying there.

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  3. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    I think thats a great start Mommy2Kats - congrats

  4. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

  5. t_sims224

    t_sims224 Well-Known Member

    Whoa!!!! congrats. I saw you got aPPorved so i went ahead and tried myself. same thing here $200 limit. I'll take it now only have 2CC's both have $300 limits. Eq score is 666 no late and 7 hards.
  6. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    You guys may see an automatic increase. I did within a couple of months after I got the $200 limit and that was with a recent bk discharge.

    They upped it to $500 with no notice to me. I didn't complain! LOL!

    Good luck and Congrats! We have to start somewhere!!

  7. hkolln

    hkolln Well-Known Member

    I got my Target Guest Card in 1998 with a 200.00 limit and they keep raising it each year as I pay faithfully so now my limit is 900.00! I wonder what I could buy at Target for that much LOL
  8. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    I have had my card since May and am due for an increase in November or at least thats what the rep told me. Tried to get raised a week early no deal. I may pay it off and let it rest for the month of November and see if the will send me a VISA.
  9. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    I sent a letter to Target via PFB. Does Target respond to PFB letters? George, I wonder if you know. You are the King of PFB letters.
  10. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Mommy, same thing happened to me although when I applied I had a 703 on EQ. The mistake I made was I applied in the store at the customer service counter. Here in Kansas they run it through TransUnoin and NOT EQ. I read here that they use EQ if you apply online, or depending on where you live. My TU score was like 619 when they approved me. So if I had applied online I would have gotten the visa plus a nice cl, as I was able to do so with other cc companies that same week.
  11. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    They pulled Equifax for me. I had 657. The only derog I have is a few 30 day lates on my car loan.

    I figure if I use the card and keep it on time and with a low ratio, then they'll up it and eventually offer me a Visa. Either way it can't hurt as I desparately need positive credit lines.

    Just took a 10 point hit with the inquiry, however if bumpage continues to work it'll be gone in less than two months.


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