I applied online over the weekend and got the "need more time to process application" message. I checked the status like 5 minutes later and was approved for $500 at 18.9%. I can't even begin to tell you all how excited I am, this is my first ever unsecured credit card, I didn't even think I would get approved for the Visa, I tried it anyway just to see if I would, so I was shocked to see the approval. Now when I get the card I'm gonna call ask them to lower the rate and increase the limit. Thanks to everyone who have helped me get this far. I still have a long way to go but at least there is light in the end of the table. Thanks again. P.S. I did dispute all my negatives right before I applied and I got an extra 15 points, which probably made all the difference.
You did wonderfully!!! Now, when the card comes in... call up and talk to someone to activate it. You want to talk with someone before activating the card!!! Tell them you're reconsidering activating it since it has such a high APR... and then be quiet They'll reduce it to 15.9% and activate it at that rate. Then... a week later... call and tell them a friend of yours got the same card but got 12.9... You should be able to get back to back apr reductions if the first one is done at activation (then they think it was activated at that rate). Do NOT mention that you just got a reduction at activation... and you should be at 12.9 within the first month. Have fun! And definitely don't activate it without getting it to 15.9. If the first rep won't do it, call back and get another. It's an easy thing for them to do for you.
Comebackkid, I applied for Target Visa on-line last Dec. and the system told me the same thing. I checked back the status of the application with the application number and they approved me for $8500 with 15.99% fixed. Two months ago I requested to lower APR to 9.9% fixed. Ron.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! I applied over the weekend and got the same message. I checked back and it told me it needed further processing. I called and they had no record of me. Plus, they haven't pulled an inquiry yet. I find that really strange. The same thing happened with Discover and BofA. I'm glad to hear that you got yours and you applied over the weekend. So then there must be something wrong with me, LOL!
thanks betacredit, Did you check your app status on the target website? If not try that and you might be surprised, like I was.
Thanks, I called and told me it was because of a prior chargeoff with Mervyn's. I guess they have a blacklist too.
combackkid (and Marie, and all Target Visa applicants combackkid mentioned the EQ score, but I thought Target pulled Ex, is that correct? Did they pull your EQ only? Thanks!
They pulled Equifax on myself and hubby. We're on the east coast if that makes any difference. Nothing was pulled on Ex for us for RNB. Newstdt
This is probably a stupid question, but is the Visa thru RNB also?? My EQ is at 657 so I'm wondering if I should try it so I can kick Providian to the curb.
EeeeeHaa! Just got approved for Target Visa. Applied online (of course...LOL), and they said further processing required, and gave the application number - and then I went right then (within 2-3 minutes) to check the application status and there you go, they approved - but at 18.9%. And then I DID NOT go through the entire statement and continue to click because I am afraid that may activate the card and then I will not get a chance to call them to reduce the APR. will wait for their email, I guess. I do not know what they pulled yet.
Darn, since I went online to checkt the ctatus online once, it does not show me the status anymore. It says they allow it only one time. Now I do not even know how much CL they gave me? I will now have to wait for the card to come in s.n.a.a.i..i..l. mail. <gryne>
Thanks newstdt! I am at East Coast as well. I do not know what they pulled, will find out tomorrow. I have already used my EQ pull for today! LOL And yes, I am assuming it is the same bank for Visa as well as guest card.
I applied because I thought they pulled EQ...SURPRISE, they pulled EX. Oh well, if I get denied I can always get them to reconsider, I should be getting 6 deletions off there within the month. Gib
betacredit, They denied me first time for Target Visa because Mervyn's charge-off back in 90. I re-applied again a month later and they approved me for $8500. Ron.
Thanks, Ron! I think it maybe because it was over 10 years. I had a chargeoff in '97 so I think it's too soon to be off the blacklist.
Yes Taget is RNB and they pulled my EQ only and not EX. That is good because my Ex had 5 inquiries already.
Marie, I hope the approval was worth the inquiry! I still have not got my card in mail. I hope they give me decent limit.