ME 15.90%--->12.90% WIFE 18.90%--->15.90% ME + $500 HER + $0 They "INFERRED" you have to wait for them to "GIVE" you a limit increase when they want to---DON'T ASK!!! And they FLAT OUT interest rate decrease per card life (expire date) if your card expires 11/ will be a VERY LONG TIME!!!
Marie I got my Target Visa and called to activate it and they drooped the APR to 15.9% just like you said. Thanks!. This is great! Now, can I use the card now and call for another rate reduction in a week or should I not use the card until I ask for another rate reduction?
You can use it or not. your choice. My guess is that they don't see the first rate reduction at activation... they think you started at 15.9. wait a week or 2 and call... say you're thinking of putting a purchase on that you'd like to leave for a month or 2... how much can you get your rate reduced... you'll get 12.9. if you get a no... call back. you'll get it. I did. I almost got 9.9 a month later... but the rep saw the "note" from the other rep about the 12.9 and didn't do it after he said he would .... bummer ;( I'll try again next month the worst they can say is "no"... ;;;;))))
Thanks. This is great. Perhaps after the stock market recovers I will be able to get more Visa accounts at a lower interest rate. I generally never carry a balance anyway but it would be a nice cushion if I could get a card under 10% with a large CL. I just got turned down for booth Amoco gas card and a Sears MasterCard due to my 5 year old CH7 BK. But at least I got the target card and I decided to give Aspire Visa a chance. They offered me a CL of $1,000 at 15% with no annual fee or monthly fee. We will see with them. I am still skeptical. Thanks for the help.
I applied a few weeks ago and got turned down because of: 1. derogatory public record info (ch. 7 bk) 2. number of accounts with delinquency. (accounts were included in bk and were late due to the bk filing date and discharge date. I was never late before I filed.) 3. Length of time too short. (Filed March 2001). Equifax score: 657 at time I applied. I really need to start listening to that little voice that says "forget it-they won't give it to you!!" LOL! Hope this helps. Newstdt
Sorry to hear that. A Beacon score of 657 is great for having filed BK 7 16 months ago. I would figure perhaps they have a rule relating to the BK and time. I would apply at 24 months and if they don't give it to you apply again at 36 months. Question, did you get any secured cards?
Hi Erik, Yea I was bummed!! I did get the Target Guest card several months ago and my Mervyns survived my bk. Both accounts are in good standing and I use them regularly so they'll report for me. I think you're right, I'm probably going to try again at 2 years (+) and I'll just call beforehand and ask if it's too soon. I was jazzed thinking if I got the Target Visa, I could get rid of Providian who will raise my rate in Dec (which I'll have paid off by then). I have the Providian and an Orchard m/c that's at 18.99%. (Both of my accts are unsecured.) Ah well, another "hard" lesson learned! Pun intended~ LOL!~ Cost me a darn inquiry!!!! Newstdt
That is really odd. I also have a bankruptcy (ch 7) I filed 2-01 and it was discharged 5-01. My Equifax score was 659 when I applied and I was approved. I basically have all the same criteria on my report and have had a Target Guest card since 97 which survived the bankruptcy. I am really sorry that happened to you , but I wonder why I got approved last week and you didn't. It doesn't make sense does it?
Yes, but so did Newstdt. He stated he had a Target Guest card and a Meryvn's card. Maybe it was the income. Just a thought.
I didn't check my mail until this morning and my Target card had arrived!! Anyway, I called just like the others advised, since my starting rate was at 18.9%, and asked them to lower my interest. The rep said she could lower my interest to 15.9% and she would need to activate my card to decrease the rate. Well I hope when I call again it doesn't show that the rate was previously reduced. I wanted to do like Maria suggested in earlier posts and get it down to 12.9%. Well I guess I will find out in a few weeks. I also tried to increase the cl and the rep told me that she could not do that and that I would have to wait 90 days before I could get an increase. Has anyone else been told that about the increase?
I got a PIDDELY $500 increase~~~wife $0... They said they will review the account to "SEE" if you get one DON'T ASK!!! ME 15.90%---->12.90% HER 18.90%---->15.90% She was told..."WAIT TILL THE CARD EXPIRES FOR A RATE DECREASE"...yea right (late 2004)
ONE WAY STREETS DON'T WORK!!! I will use your card (TARGET) if you reduce my interest rate to 9.90% and increase the credit limit... HOW CAN YOU MAKE ANY MONEY IF MY CARDS ARE IN THE "SOCK DRAWER"???
Now I'm really bummed!!! ( But I'm glad to hear you got it, that tells me there is still hope I guess. I may PF to see if they'll reconsider. I did get my Target Guest Card after I was discharged, but my Mervyns is over 15 years old. I previously had their guest card but closed it in 94 when we were applying for our home loan. All of my accounts were/are in good standing at all times. I'll keep you guys updated. Newstdt.