got updated report..need answers

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by star, Nov 24, 2001.

  1. star

    star Well-Known Member

    I just got my husbands updated equifax
    1.I disputed my mortgage report, There was tons of lates and a a start to foreclose listed, we caught up and are now current, I asked them to just take off the "past due xxx amount and put current" well they took the WHOLE account off- DELETED, should I have them put it back(I'm worried they will have all that bad info put back)???????

    2.His chapter 13 (which we voluntarily DISMISSED) now states DISCHARGED- I am happy with that it looks better than dismissed since we still owed on accounts

    3.Cap one verified- so no go on that one and they are still verifying 3 different collections.

    This was my first round with his report, should I be happy? I am worried without the mortgage ,his points will go down more(they are already pathetic 500's) what should I do with that one?
  2. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I think the mortgage account will come back. You said you caught up, so I'm assuming it's an open account that you are paying on. Depending on how often the mortgage company updates the CB's you should see it show up again. The bad news is that it will probably come back with the negatives.

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