My mother called me today, irrate. She says you got this in the mail today. (since my mom lives in a different city I have not seen the letter but this is the jist of what she told me it said) Dear Ms. xxxxxx You have two unpaid court fines for xx traffic violation dating xxx96' you are summonsed to appear on xxxx at Harxxx CTY Justice Court or pay 600 and something dollars please contact CID criminal investigation division. ATTENTION: THIS IS A PE-ARREST LETTER. IF YOU IGNORE WE WILL ISSUE A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST. So I am totally freaking out, and call the number given. I recieve a voice mail (Criminal Investagation Division) So I call Harxxx County Justice Court irrate, Mr. Shultz tells me 'I show a record of you recieving these tickets but also show them paid' I said well can you fax me a copy showing them paid for my records since ya'll are threatning to arrest me? he says 'who is threatning to arrest you?' I said one of your depts. CID. he says 'oh thats a joke, they are a collection agency, they do not have the power or authority to arrest you' I call my mom back explain to her so she'll calm down, then she tells me, 'and they have stamped on the envelope in red ink, court fines past due, open immediately' INPUT FOLKS!!!!!!
OMG - Make sure your Mom does NOT lose that letter or envelope. There are more violations here than I can count right now. WHY CAN'T I GET SOMETHING LIKE THIS??? WHHAAA! Feeling left out of all the fun stuff. You do need to recontact Mr. Schultz and have him send you something that clears the acct. You should also get it done Tuesday, since it'll still be fresh in his mind. Then we'll work on a suit against the CA. LOL Breeze is right (below) but I'd have her send it Fed Ex with a tracking number. This thing is worth MONEY!
watch what you're sayin' when I say I'm clueless I mean it. You may end up doin all the work!lol! I still am in shock about all of this, is there a way around the legal stuff for them? I mean could they have some kind of contract w/ the justice court allowing this?
Ya'll this just seems to good to be true!! I'm not sue happy but should this one be turned over to an attorney? Thank you for the reponses. As soon as I recieve the original I will print it verbatim
Really though this is just TOO blatant, they have got to have some kind of protection somewhere for them to be so ballsy about this.
I think I'd hold the County's butt to the wall on that one, with the CA. The guy you talked to obviously knew about their tactics. Shame on both of them, says me. Sassy
One thing that I did not think about until now, this was sent to my old address in my maiden name. If the county were involved would they not have used my married name and current address according to my license? My license has had my current address for 4 years and my married name for 2. Just food for thought.
What license? Your driver's license? No., that's a state department. They would have used whatever information was on your license at the time the citations were issued. Sassy
Well it is for a traffic violation, so would'nt they check my license for current information. (considering at one point in time, many years ago, they suspended my license for this, that is why I paid it because of course I could not be w/o a license) Anyways I would just think that if it were actually justice court handling it, and they were trying to find me, the most obvious way to go would be to check my license.
Is it Houston? They hare having so many problems! The police chief has been put on ad leave and a bunch of his underlings. Houston just sucks. Charlie
There's more going on here than initially meets the eye. Everyone is quick to apply the FDCPA here, when in fact it may not apply at all. FDCPA pertains to the collection of "debt". Debt is carefully defined in the FDCPA, as follows: § 803. Definitions [15 USC 1692a] As used in this title -- (5) The term "debt" means any obligation or alleged obligation of a consumer to pay money arising out of a transaction in which the money, property, insurance or services which are the subject of the transaction are primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, whether or not such obligation has been reduced to judgment. Does a traffic citation sound to you like a "debt"? That's why I want to see the notice. IE. If you took someone to court and won a settlement I know for a fact that Tort Claims do NOT qualify as debt as defined in the FDCPA because no mutual transaction took place and it's not for personal, family, or household purposes. TNobles keeps asking if there is a way out for them. This may be at least a partial out but violations abound. So lets take our time on this one. We're probably looking at UDAP. Unfair, Deceptive Acts & Practices Act. And possibly violations of the FTC Act. Sorry to be a party pooper.
I am not one to tell people to see a lawyer, but this sure sounds like money in the bank to me. No sense playing around and losing it )
no it's not houston. I knew they was going to be something about this not right, butch. should i try calling these people again today. i am really curious as to what they have got to say
The only person you should call today is Mr. Shultz. Unless you can already prove you paid it. Other than that you need something from Shultz saying the matter is actually paid. That's the first step.