hubby's exp CR. I signed him up for the Credit Expert trial and disputed away several items. Everything was deleted, I couldn't believe it. On top of that, I joined when you could still dispute the inquiries and got all of them off. All in all, he got 6 items deleted and 6 inquiries off too. I can't wait to start disputing his other two bureaus. I have about 4 more negs to dispute off his experian and tons to dispute off of TU and EQ. It is still going to be a long long road but we can do it. I cancelled his trial too at the 30 days and we still had great results for him. NOw if I could get the last 5 or so stubborn negs off my bureaus, we would be in great shape.
I didn't get to see his score because Credit Expert was cancelled before we got the results. I might have to sign him up again in a few months for good but since we just paid for my credit expert, I thought I would wait a bit to forge out the dough for his membership too. He also has Privacy Guard so I might see a new updated score that way in a month or two.